Their tax burdens ranged from 33 percent to 41 percent and averaged 36 percent.
When governments tax more, workers react and take steps to avoid higher tax burdens.
Therefore many of the wealthy could reduce their tax burdens all the way to zero.
Last week, the president signed a bill to prevent foreclosure or refinancing from raising borrowers' tax burdens.
Mr Bush says his aim is to create more jobs, as well as lower people's tax burdens.
For the next 25 years Japan and Germany repeatedly reduced their tax burdens and became economic global giants.
Only in the U.S. and Japan--and, to a lesser extent the U.K.--have tax burdens been kept somewhat in check.
Companies like General Electric and Pepco Holdings wrote off their entire tax burdens and earned future offsets.
Look at Google, Facebook, eBay and others that have adopted elaborate tax schemes to reduce their U.S. tax burdens.
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This starker division of relative tax burdens can be explained by the inability of upper-income groups to shelter income.
They will spend more money on tax lawyers to reduce their tax burdens.
Families will be encouraged to have capital to save and invest as the tax burdens are removed on investments.
Tax burdens can vary by industry, the underlying cost of doing business and by how the taxes are weighted.
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When a high income earner mentions high tax burdens, some will cry foul no matter how deftly he says it.
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With higher tax burdens and more generous jobless benefits, European countries get a bigger fiscal boost without any change in policy.
The history of taxation abounds with struggles among interest groups, each of which has tried to push tax burdens on somebody else.
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Current tax burdens are now much higher than they were before the War, so raising taxes today would be much more difficult.
Specifically, two misguided tax proposals would increase oil and gas tax burdens in the states and double-tax the profits they earn overseas.
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In the United States, as in poorer countries with lackluster public support, tax burdens are not complimented by better public services.
Larger tax burdens will also typically fall on investors in funds employing debt trading strategies that generate a lot of interest income.
But, I would be astonished if the general public were willing to tolerate the punishing tax burdens implied by these dismal figures.
In New England, there remains one granite pillar against the tyranny of high tax burdens, found within the spirit of New Hampshire.
FORBES: In "Live Free or Die" New Hampshire, The U.S. Looks For Tax Leadership
If they are only applied to Europe, it is believed that many capital market players will move to nations with lower tax burdens.
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Governor Romney has put forward a tax plan that would shower benefits on millionaires and billionaires, that would reduce their tax burdens significantly.
Second, cutting government spending rather than raising taxes might lead both firms and consumers to conclude that their future tax burdens would be lower.
State senators and representatives are concerned about how local tax burdens impact their economic situations, even within regions that currently do not tax personal income.
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Arbitrary apportionment erodes incentives for investment in jurisdictions with better tax policy, undermining tax competition and thereby leading to an increase in global tax burdens.
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The new Republican Congress cut the capital gains tax rate by 40%, and reduced other tax burdens on capital investment, leading to a resurgent economy.
FORBES: Washington Post Misleads Readers About Paul Ryan, Tax Rates and Deficits
If tax burdens are set to increase hugely, this is implausible.
With lower property tax burdens than the Lone Star State in the Bayou, the loudest opponent to this plan should be Texas Governor Rick Perry.
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