The state of Lagos (in which Lagos city is situated) has been improving its tax collection.
Better tax collection, which could plug some of the gap, looks as forlorn as ever.
In a report, it said supporting more efficient tax collection represented "excellent value" for UK taxpayers.
There is a limit beyond which a higher tax rate will result in less tax collection.
True, the idea of taxing the tax collection bureaucracy does have some logical problems.
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Each seller may have different sales tax collection obligations according to their business policies and location.
These include improving tax collection by unifying the different agencies under a single roof.
Tax collection has risen nearly 30%, even without new taxes, the largest ever increase in 20 years.
His government has displayed a commitment to improving tax collection and cutting expenditures, and attracting foreign investment.
State efforts at online sales tax collection have made it much, much easier to run my small business.
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It has long been evident that Pakistan needs to export more, improve tax collection and pursue bank-loan defaulters.
Property-tax collection is a quarter of what it was in 1970, when the middle class began to flee.
Look again at the technological forces about to be arrayed against tax collection.
The inefficiency of the tax collection system has also contributed to the problem.
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This seems largely to exempt online-only retailers such as Amazon from tax collection.
Most federal tax collection cases can be resolved in the IRS Appeals Office.
The market was expecting a slightly higher money market rate going into the month end on fiscal tax collection.
Mr Manolopoulos says the ruling party's new tax policies are mistaken and no substitute for improving basic tax collection.
While spending plans become ever more ambitious, tax collection has virtually dried up.
More efficient tax collection means that none of this should be fiscally imprudent.
Most of the time, though, tax liens are steps in the tax collection process and eventually lead to payment.
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An international accounting agency can help make a tax collection system more transparent.
In 2012 alone, some of the largest states, including California, Texas and Pennsylvania, began requiring sales-tax collection from Amazon customers.
The agreement will supposedly provide a uniform sales-tax collection system that would apply to all retailers, online and offline alike.
Tax collection thus became an expression of the power struggle already under way between the federal government and the regions.
The lackluster job market pushes incomes down in the U.S. and that hurts U.S. government revenues due to low tax collection.
Everyone seems to think that online sales tax collection is about large online companies, like Amazon, trying to crush small online businesses.
FORBES: Guest Post: Why I support the Marketplace Fairness Act
This moratorium has nothing to do with the use tax collection issue.
Mexico has one of the worst tax collection rates in the region.
When the U. S. Supreme Court last addressed sales tax collection by remote sellers two decades ago in Quill Corp. v.
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