Federal estate tax rates remains constant at the current rates for all pertinent times.
Simply stated, people respond to incentives, and this means taxable income falls as tax rates increase.
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In the predominantly socialist European Union, corporate tax rates on average have been cut below 25%.
FORBES: Presidential Debt-Limit Deceptions And Economic Growth
As President, Reagan cut federal income tax rates across the board for all taxpayers by 25%.
FORBES: Reaganomics Vs. Obamanomics: Fallacies Offered By The Left
This is to prevent shifting income to those places with the lowest tax rates.
Conversely, lower tax rates can result in lower revenues, but can also lead to increased revenues.
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The consequences of higher capital gains tax rates that Mr. Buffett advocates would be even worse.
FORBES: Taxpayers Should Be Leery Of Warren Buffett's Faux Noblesse Oblige
Another way to tell the story is by looking at average effective tax rates.
Yes, sales tax rates could rise, but so could income tax rates under the current system.
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If tax rates stay constant, you will come out ahead, but not by much.
WSJ: The Intelligent Investor: The Hazards of Tax-Loss Harvesting
As it is, growth will probably require early cuts in tax rates, balanced by lower spending.
The answer lies in switching the tax base before we raise the tax rates.
At the end of the empire, the tax rates were high and the revenues were low.
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These estimates assume alternative minimum tax rates are left unchanged at 26 percent and 28 percent.
FORBES: A 20% Tax Rate Cut Would Blow A Huge Hole In The Budget
At 143% (based on tax rates in effect this year) Germany's Misery Index isn't Europe's highest.
Meanwhile, over the last 30 years, the tax rates for middle class families have barely budged.
That is because every economic decision is based on the new lower tax rates.
FORBES: Reaganomics Vs. Obamanomics: Fallacies Offered By The Left
The lower tax rates affect every dollar and every economic decision throughout the economy.
FORBES: Reaganomics Vs. Obamanomics: Fallacies Offered By The Left
Tax rates for everyone on capital gains and dividends are headed back to previous high levels.
The potential middle ground: Dividend tax rates will increase at year-end unless lawmakers reach a deal.
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It is within these parameters federal spending and tax benefits (including favorable tax rates) should operate.
Forget, for a minute, that not raising tax rates has been redefined as a tax cut.
FORBES: Hey Romney, Here's A Comeback To Obama's $5 Trillion Tax Cut Canard
"It's not a question of whether investment tax rates are going up, but when, " he says.
By the way, this is another reason to keep corporate and individual tax rates the same.
Thatcher also immediately began to slash income tax rates, rein in galloping spending and fight inflation.
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While they all seem very complicated, each could generate substantial new revenues without raising tax rates.
FORBES: If It Would Make The GOP Happy, Let's Call Tax Hikes 'Kumquats'
But through low tax rates and free markets they've soared ahead of centralized economies.
We will reduce personal tax rates as low as possible by removing many tax preferences.
Already, pushing down tax rates has freed our economy to vault forward to record growth.
Differential tax rates on lead-free petrol have encouraged drivers to switch en masse to it.