He has extensively drug-resistant TB and is being held in an Arizona hospital under court order.
Undermedication is dangerous because this is how the TB bacteria develop resistance to drugs.
"Diabetes may be a more important driver of the TB epidemic globally than HIV, " she said.
"She had been working where MDR is common, " he said, using shorthand for multidrug-resistant TB.
It took three more tests, including a lung-tissue biopsy, to nail it down as TB.
The Food and Drug Administration is reviewing one new medication, bedaquiline, to treat drug-resistant TB.
There are many strains of TB with varying resistance to the dozen or so standard drugs.
The Journal also showed that the WHO's own policies inadvertently helped drug-resistant TB to flourish.
While these are important pieces in the fight against TB, much more is needed.
FORBES: To Stop Tuberculosis In Its Tracks, Urgent Global Action Is Needed
More healthcare professionals must be trained in high-burden countries to deliver quality TB care.
FORBES: To Stop Tuberculosis In Its Tracks, Urgent Global Action Is Needed
More than half the TB compensation paid out across Wales goes to farmers in the area.
At present the vaccination of cattle against bovine TB is forbidden under international and EU law.
But HIV infections in TB patients may be less apparent when they are diagnosed.
On that basis, they said, culling "risks increasing rather than reducing the incidence of cattle TB".
BBC: Badger vaccine pilot planned by National Trust in Devon
My mom never wanted me to hang around with kids that had TB anyway.
The researchers believe about 1% of new cases of TB are caused by multidrug-resistant strains.
BBC: Patients must complete a full course of drugs to cure TB
And between 2009 and 2011, drug-resistant TB cases doubled in the 27 most-affected countries.
FORBES: To Stop Tuberculosis In Its Tracks, Urgent Global Action Is Needed
Treating patients with drug resistant TB is beyond the pocket of many developing countries.
But TB remains the leading cause of death by infectious disease in the country's adults.
Inadequate treatment allows the TB bacteria to mutate into a stronger form, fueling drug resistance.
Ashok Kumar, the head of the TB division, didn't return phone calls seeking comment.
The government last year required all private doctors to register TB patients, but few are complying.
In 2010, it caused 1.4m deaths, 8.8 million new infections and 450 thousand drug-resistant TB cases.
Micron announced an SSD with almost 1 TB storage capacity for consumer (client) applications.
This study shows what can be done when resources are diverted into research into TB.
The reasons why TB has become more common in recent years are not fully understood.
They find one or two cases of multidrug-resistant TB a year, the official said.
Treatment can last for years, but TB patients aren't infectious for the entire course of treatment.
Scott justified the closure saying that TB cases had dropped by 10% in recent years.
About one quarter of previously untreated TB patients were infected with the multi-drug-resistant TB.
WSJ: Tuberculosis Strain in Mumbai Doesn't Respond to Main Treatment