Cases of tuberculosis (TB) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland rose by 10.8% in 2005, figures show.
BBC: Patients must complete a full course of drugs to cure TB
More than 100 pupils and staff are being offered screening for tuberculosis (TB) after a confirmed case at a Bristol academy.
BBC: Screening offered after TB at Bristol Brunel Academy
Bovine tuberculosis (TB) led to the slaughter of more than 38, 000 cows in Great Britain in 2012, a nearly 10% increase on 2011 figures.
BBC: Bovine TB slaughter numbers up 10%
For instance, the drugs needed to treat drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis (TB) are much more expensive than are the drugs used to treat nonresistant TB.
CNN: Antibiotics: Misuse puts you and others at risk
At the time Jorge Bergoglio was a teenager, most lung surgery was done for infections, especially tuberculosis (TB) and empyema, a condition related to pneumonia where pus accumulates between the lung and the chest wall.
FORBES: What Will Missing Lung Mean For New Pope?
He also warned that because of the government's current policy to disperse asylum seekers, many of whom are at high risk of medical problems like Tuberculosis (TB), that many more GPs would be coming into contact with the disease.
BBC: GPs warned to be ready for smallpox
But it's a potential public health catastrophe with the new strain called XDR-TB, for extensively drug resistant tuberculosis.
NPR: TB Traveler Exposes Diagnosis Problems
Steve Cox of the U.S. Marine Corps, because several detainees have tested positive for tuberculosis, but Carrico said Saturday that there were no confirmed cases of TB.
CNN: First night in Cuba 'peaceful' for war detainees
"The government welcomes all initiatives that support the fight against tuberculosis, " Anshu Prakash, joint secretary of health for India, who oversees TB, told The Wall Street Journal on Friday.
WSJ: Plan to Fight Deadly TB Strain Advances in India
One of the most severe cases of drug-resistant tuberculosis in the United States has been reported in southern Texas: a strain of TB resilient to at least eight of the 15 drugs used to treat this deadly airborne disease.
FORBES: To Stop Tuberculosis In Its Tracks, Urgent Global Action Is Needed
Prof Peter Davies, the secretary of the charity TB Alert, said the findings were "excellent" and vitamin D could play "an important role in treating tuberculosis".
BBC: Sunshine vitamin 'may help treat tuberculosis'