The GOP appears to be doing all it can to keep the Tea Party happy.
The group's action in Georgia seems relatively rare among the loosely linked tea party organizations nationally.
Certainly, the Tea Party has made spending restraint the focus point of all political debates.
Russo often watches the raucous tea party events from his perch in the bus.
That the tea party movement has no leader at this point is just fine with Wierzbicki.
She rode the crest of the Tea Party when it was at its height.
In other words, how can the tea party and its supporters favor small and large government?
The paradox is easily resolved once we consider the motives of many tea party supporters.
Like American reactionary movements of the past, the tea party resists change of any kind.
This is what most tea party groups targeted by the IRS wanted to do.
Rep. Allen West is one of the best known first-term Tea Party House members.
But it was the backing of the Tea Party Express that truly energised her campaign.
The two-day festival will include masterclass demonstrations, 1950s bus rides and a Mad Hatter's tea party.
That is, Americans, whether OWS demonstrators, Tea Party activists, or average citizens, should target political greed.
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We have learned that some tea party groups had unduly long wait times for tax-exempt status.
To really succeed, the Tea Party needs to do more than just whack the ball.
It shouldn't need to be said: Even the tea party deserves First Amendment protection.
He seemingly would be more at home in the Tea Party than the Democratic Party.
On the other hand, perhaps Mitt Romney has killed the Tea Party with kindness.
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As part of the list, they included the words "tea party" and "patriot, " Lerner said.
The IRS has not said when Shulman found out that Tea Party groups were targeted.
It tells us the reasons behind the Boston Tea Party, as well as its consequences.
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Rand Paul, a tea party favorite who has said he is mulling a presidential run.
It seems no coincidence that the Tea Party made its first electoral inroads there.
In 2011, Arizona authorized a tea party license plate featuring an image of it.
This is a remarkable development and a huge victory for the Tea Party movement.
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Love it or hate it, the Tea Party raised an issue that is now driving Washington.
The right has the Tea Party, and the left has, until recently, had no riposte.
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Lucky theatregoers get to join the tea party, where chocolate is served and spoons fly.
Mind you, it's not just the Tea Party that is unimpressed by Mr Romney.