Teachers and students can now tap into an unprecedented amount of open or premium digital content.
For most teachers and students, using the approach is a significant shift in practice.
At the Plaza Towers school, teachers and students relied on safety drills practiced many times.
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The theory originated in education, as a way of helping teachers and students communicate more effectively.
The state board there adopted new science standards that encourage teachers and students to question evolution.
High-school, college and graduate-school teachers and students are often released because they will miss classes.
Cambridge says its new programme will give resources and support to maths teachers and students.
BBC: Cambridge University funded to offer A-level maths help
Delegates of UNESCO Member States, representatives of NGOs, teachers and students were also present.
Since this experience, teachers and students have continued to cultivate relationships with supporters from around the world.
Last month, Missouri passed a law designed to prevent any extracurricular poking between teachers and students.
FORBES: Why Missouri's Ban on Teacher-Student Facebook Friendships Is Doomed
He is a good listener, reproducing debates between teachers and students about the questions that concern them most.
Teachers and students are both more effective in 10 or 15 student classes than in classes much larger.
FORBES: Why Fixing America's Schools Means Increasing Teacher Productivity
The next big breakthrough in understanding global climate change could come from this global network of teachers and students.
Watch the video below to see what the Ringwood teachers and students accomplished.
We need more education research about things that actually matter in the field and are relevant for teachers and students.
FORBES: Why Don't Entrepreneurs And Learning Scientists Talk Much?
Obami Founded in 2009, Obami is a social network and learning management system for South African schools, teachers and students.
Civil society was well represented at the seminar, with NGOs, teachers and students, and the event was widely covered by the media.
The Lamar County School Board in Missouri recently implemented a policy forbidding teachers and students from having any text-message conversations or social-networking friendships.
The allegations surfaced as teachers and students in New York state's 700 school districts prepared for this year's state tests, which begin next week.
Cariscience coordinates exchanges between researchers, teachers and students, organizes joint research projects and regional courses, supports curriculum development and the training of science teachers.
The discussion highlighted the need for both measuring performance of teachers and students but also for innovation that creates enthusiasm for teaching and learning.
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We end up with a population of people who can do standardized tests, but who are in no sense educated, along with demoralized teachers and students.
ASPNet teachers and students have many opportunities to work together beyond their classrooms to develop innovative educational approaches, methods and materials from local to global levels.
ThinkQuest is an international academic competition for students to produce sets of Web pages as teaching and learning tools for use by teachers and students around the world.
Parents, teachers and students all have different viewpoints on the issue of public education in the U.S. But who should be charged with educating the nation's young people?
Teachers and students have a lot to be proud of.
CNN: Against all odds: School offers hope, opportunity for young men
"Qualifications that prepare our people for the challenges of the workplace have for too long suffered the 'Cinderella syndrome', in the minds of parents, teachers and students, " Mr Lester said.
While authorities investigated, teachers and students huddled together in locked rooms, said Marianna Sviland, a teacher at the college who was in a faculty workroom at the time of the stabbing.
Nations in Asia and Europe have answered this question, in part by creating standards to make sure their teachers and students are performing at the same high levels throughout their nation.
Teachers and students can also design their own badges.
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