World Teachers Day was celebrated on 5th of Oct 2012 in Peshawar with implementation support from Peshawar University Teachers Association (PUTA).
Mr. Munir Ahmad Badini Secretary Education Government of Baluchistan said at the celebration of World teachers Day at Baluchistan Boy Scouts Headquarters organized by Directorate of Schools with the support of UNESCO and Save The Children.
World Teachers' Day was celebrated by Directorate of Schools in collaboration with UNESCO and Save The Children in a simple but graceful manner at Quetta.
World Teachers' Day was celebrated with enthusiasm, zeal and commitment in Sindh at a jointly organized event at Marriott, Karachi by Sindh Teacher Education Development Authority, Government of Sindh, UNESCO and USAID.
And in London, where there was a one-day teachers' strike on Tuesday, 6% of teaching posts are entirely unfilled, while a further 18% are occupied by people without adequate qualifications or by teachers from overseas on short-term contracts.
Although many initiatives have been launched in both the public and private sectors, there has been a lack of consistency, integration, regulations and, most of all, capacity to respond to the specific needs of schools and their teachers in their day to day work.
Their experience as early intervention day care teachers helps parents sometimes as much as children.
"At the beginning of class each day, history teachers from the school talk about actuality, what happens around Montreal, and that was part of the actuality that day, so he wanted to talk about it, and kids said that they wanted to watch it, so basically he just did what the kids wanted to do, " student Carole-Anne Bouchard-Giroux told CNN affiliate CTV on Wednesday.
National Lab Day will help build communities of support around teachers across the country, culminating in a day of civic participation.
So, here is my diary, written from the "frontline" where heroic deeds are performed in classrooms every day by dedicated teachers.
We must not take away from these remarkable achievements, ministers would intone: children today work much harder than in my day, and teachers are doing a wonderful job.
"One of the key areas where common sense and the practical, day-to-day experience of teachers all over the country has been sacrificed on the altar of political targets is discipline, " she said.
Teachers go to work every day to transform and inspire young people and I am so lucky to work with colleagues, families, and young people who drive my passion for the classroom with each waking morning.
The Los Angeles teachers union agreed earlier this month to use test scores in evaluations after a protracted fight with the district, and Chicago teachers staged a seven-day strike this past fall, in part, over efforts to judge them on students' test results.
Every day in this country, teachers are doing a heroic job for their kids -- (applause) -- every day.
Schools can change the length of the school day, fire bad teachers and spend their money as they wish.
That statistic grossly under represents the huge amount of work that most teachers put in outside the school day (preparing class materials, marking papers, etc).
Beechwood's success in recruiting two teachers has eased the four-day working.
The private sector has a huge role to play to spur innovation, to support achievement, to help those students and teachers that are working hard every day.
We see every day the enthusiasm that teachers and educators have around utilizing and contributing to a rapidly growing body of OER content that helps to support a post-modern learning environment.
FORBES: How Can Mainstream Education Meet The Needs of Post-Modern Society?
In Oregon, Michigan and elsewhere, grants are supporting the work of teachers who are lengthening the school day, offering more specialized classes, and making the changes necessary to improve struggling schools.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Replacing ��No Child Left Behind�� This Year
"If that's the only number of people who are incompetent, it speaks remarkably well of the high proportion of teachers who do a splendid job day in and day out, " he said.
"She didn't get along well with two teachers who taught her mid-day classes, and so she would leave after her morning classes, take a break and then come back for her afternoon classes, " Rhonda Beckford said.
Education Minister Jack McConnell condemned the increase, saying it added to his concerns about the problems faced each day in the classroom by teachers.
An individual should not "go to some remote part of Malawi and start doing whatever because at the end of the day we must plan for teachers", Ms Kazembe said.
We plan weekly and for the English portion of the day all K-5th grade teachers team.
More than 600 teachers across 13 councils had at least one day off because of stress last year.
State schools are shut in Denmark for a second day because of a dispute between teachers and local authorities over working conditions.
The NASUWT teachers' union and the National Union of Teachers (NUT) said a one-day strike is planned in north-west England on 27 June.
One of my teachers was nice enough to bring Zork one day, combining my passion for reading and computers in one wonderful adventure.