Part of the plan is teaching a bit of capitalism to the workers.
Frame a negative reaction to your plan as a teaching opportunity that you can pass along to someone more junior than you.
The plan will see teaching facilities demolished and replaced with homes and a care home, revamped playing fields and a new sports pavilion.
Here is my alternative plan: make teaching fun and rewarding.
They also have to draw up a four-year development plan to improve teaching and learning in their specialist subjects, and explain how they will involve other schools and the wider local community.
It was said to be a new kind of school with open-plan classrooms and new ways of teaching.
About a year and a half ago Hall County partnered with Dell to define what next generation teaching and learning will look like and put a plan in place to achieve that vision.
But since the Tories plan to give free schools more money for teaching poor children, staying the invisible hand by excluding operators like GEMS seems particularly perverse.
Cumulatively, these resulted in the famous projection map of Gerardus Mercator in 1569, a plan of the world that still forms the basis of schoolroom teaching and Google Maps.
WSJ: Lost in Our Maps: A History of Cartographic Catastrophes
And McGrann, whose private school has no plans to stop teaching cursive, says it doesn't take much extra time to teach if teachers plan well.
He wrote a plan to improve service in his Greenville, S.C. facility that includes teaching dockworkers to use computers to communicate with customer service reps and keep them up-to-date on the status of freight.
Without the Kenzo Tange Master Plan, noise pollution in Lumbini would have been rampant, which would violate the essence of the teaching of Buddha that one can get access to wisdom through quietude and neatness.