• As part of my Government's drive to raise achievements in schools, a consultation paper will be brought forward on the most far-reaching reforms of the teaching profession in 50 years.

    BBC: The Queen's speech in full

  • The blame is placed on the disappointment felt by many Catholics over the failure of the Vatican to deliver anticipated reforms - notably in its teaching on contraception.

    BBC: St Peter's Square

  • Officials also worry that provincial education authorities, in order to protect local publishing industries, will deny schools any choice in their selection of textbooks (freer choice of teaching materials being one of the aims of the reforms).

    ECONOMIST: China

  • The Tung administration is beset by public dissatisfaction over unemployment, a string of administrative fumbles, and unpopular reforms in housing, the civil service and the teaching profession.

    CNN: Intelligence: The Week Ahead

  • Another set of educational reforms collapsed because a majority of academics refused to raise teaching standards and submit themselves to peer reviews.

    ECONOMIST: Riots in Greece: Anarchy in Athens | The

  • Rallies have been held by teaching unions in the north west ahead of planned strike action over government school reforms.

    BBC: Rally for Education

  • Not only with more money -- money is important -- but also with reforms that challenge schools to develop higher standards and the best practices for teaching and for learning.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Holding Head Start Programs Accountable | The White House

  • Another set of university reforms collapsed when a majority of professors refused to make any commitment to higher teaching standards and submit themselves to peer review.

    ECONOMIST: Greece's riots

  • For instance curricula reforms have not always taken into account the books and instructional materials, teachers, teaching processes and assessment methods required to give them effect.

    UNESCO: ����

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