Four years later Satyam was doing tear-down analysis of all its products and its competitors' products.
And concede that sometimes it takes both overwhelming force -- and a touch of diplomacy -- to tear down a wall.
But first, last week, protest turned violent in New Orleans after the city council unanimously voted to allow the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development - that's HUD - to tear down four large public housing projects.
NPR: Politicians, Protesters Clash Over N.O. Housing Demolition
MoMA says it expects to tear down the folk-art building by the end of the year.
You must tear down and re-create your company--or at least your e-commerce division--to ride what the Internet surf has brought in: oceans of risk capital, highly mobile talent pools, tiny markets that could scale and explode, marginless growth, big hairy bets on the future.
Sure, the job of high school teachers is not to tear down students' self-esteem.
Assign a Data Tsar to tear down organizational silos and drive cross-functional data usage.
Even after the departure of Duvalier, the military continued to harass and attack the radio station, to tear down transmitters and even to machine-gun the facade of the building.
UNESCO: Jean-transcript | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
On other days they would circle parked pick-up trucks, then swoop down and tear off their windscreen wipers.
Whether your preferred variety of exceptionalism is religious, ethnic, or species-based, the Martians are here to tear it down.
These sites tear down the traditional barriers between those in power -- be they celebrities or politicians -- and their fanbase or supporters, providing the semblance -- if not the reality -- of personal involvement and a forum for discussion.
David Nichols, a real-estate agent in Dallas, says many residents tear down older homes in choice locations because finding a vacant lot in upscale neighborhoods can be difficult.
Another idea is to tear down the shabby buildings in front of grand, Victorian and semi-derelict Peckham Rye rail station to create an airy piazza and shiny new business spaces.
Some people are still living in mold-infested homes, while others are desperately trying to persuade the city to tear theirs down.
But I might point out that - and I very, very much wish our councilwoman was with us because she's African-American and voted along with a city council but unanimously voted for the tear down.
NPR: Politicians, Protesters Clash Over N.O. Housing Demolition
E-Poll Chief Executive Gerry Philpott says the press can only build somebody up or tear somebody down so much.