The technical question was whether the tax-free housing deal applied to two houses or only one.
But in terms of that, I'm not sure that I'm the right person to ask that kind of technical question.
The technical question that Congress is now facing involves a mouthful: whether terrestrial radio stations should pay performance royalties for the music they play.
As for the fear that a private army would commit more atrocities, it is simply a technical question of devising legal and monetary incentives and constraints.
Plenty of attention in the build-up to the vote was centred on a technical question about UN procedures which could have far-reaching political implications - would this upgraded status give the Palestinians access to UN agencies and the International Criminal Court?
Because of the critical nature of making a technical hire, Madden sees this fourth question as the most critical ask.
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There are no plans yet to integrate the two exchanges' technical platforms or businesses, calling into question the synergies behind the deal.
Everything he chose to flag was either a correction as he remembered it, or a question relating to issues of technical or historic substance.
Again, the extent to which this is a problem requiring a solution is open to question, but as a technical achievement it is interesting.
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While initial reaction to its design and technical specs have been positive, the big question was the price.
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While it appears to me that HHS did act within its authority, I can see how a question can be raised given the technical language of the law.
As to the pixel question, this one is a bit more technical, but it hardly seems insurmountable.
No question that the right cloud provider can address many technical concerns that a local staff cannot address.
The hurdles that CCS and especially geo-engineering present, along with the finance question, are almost certainly more challenging than the technical ones presented by carrying one end of a hosepipe up on a balloon and spraying some water out.
An Interior spokesman claimed the experts clearly had been called to review the report on a "technical basis, " whereas the moratorium was a "comprehensive" question.
So far, he says, the company has attracted 1.36 million of them to a related business, a question-answering site where subscribers ask and answer about technical matters.
The question now is whether there will be any lingering impact of the technical troubles for Amazon, which dominates the market for cloud-based computing services.
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The technical situation has been responsible for driving the market higher since April and the question is whether the rally has run its course will remain firm until August.
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Tesco group technical director Tim Smith stressed the company "immediately withdrew from sale all products from the supplier in question" after receiving the test results on Tuesday.
Technical defenses are of little use if the user clicks on the wrong link or accepts security warnings automatically without question.