Obama evokes JFK. McCain evokes Teddy Roosevelt or Dwight Eisenhower or perhaps even George H.
Like Teddy Roosevelt (one of his heroes), Cap believes in leading the active life.
Teddy Roosevelt broke up over-mighty companies, rather than doling out tax breaks to them.
Taft (42.3 on the BMI), Cleveland (34.6), McKinley (31.1), Taylor (30.2), and Teddy Roosevelt (30.2).
Teddy Roosevelt, a Progressive Republican, led the trust-busting crusade at the turn of the century.
William Jennings Bryan and Teddy Roosevelt are two of the more famous American populists.
When President Teddy Roosevelt brought the two parties together for peace talks in Portsmouth, N.
Teddy Roosevelt won it in his second term for helping end the Russo-Japanese War.
FORBES: The EU, Mikhail Gorbachev and Al Gore Have This in Common
And it is always better to be, or to be led by, Teddy Roosevelt, not George McClellan.
Ask Teddy Roosevelt, the Republican president who placed 230 million acres of land under federal protection.
Conservation of green spaces was pioneered by Republican Teddy Roosevelt with the establishment of the National Parks.
His friends say he is a latter-day Teddy Roosevelt, a man on whom he consciously models himself.
Hubbard was also pals with trustbuster Teddy Roosevelt (both were born in 1856), a fan of Hubbard's writing.
Teddy Roosevelt and his trust-busting days are long gone but Standard Oil's breakup should serve as a warning.
So on Tuesday we face the sort of challenge that Teddy Roosevelt talked about over a century ago.
Teddy Roosevelt suffered from illness and the loss of his wife, and he rode with the Rough Riders.
Consider: In his Super Tuesday victory speech, Gore made a special appeal to those who worship Teddy Roosevelt.
Teddy Roosevelt, during his epic 1913-14 trip down the Amazon's uncharted River of Doubt, sought unbounded natural frontier.
Teddy Roosevelt believed that we needed a government that can function - an economy that can function without government interference.
Mr Obama deliberately made the speech in Osawatomie, Kansas, to echo Teddy Roosevelt's call for a "New Nationalism" in 1910.
He said it would be better right now to heed Teddy Roosevelt's advice to speak softly and carry a big stick.
Teddy Roosevelt was unfiltered, because he was a vice president who got the top job following the assassination of William McKinley.
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But it would also cause Teddy Roosevelt to twirl in his grave.
And in 1910, Teddy Roosevelt came here to Osawatomie and he laid out his vision for what he called a New Nationalism.
President Teddy Roosevelt established the tradition of rewarding the national party chairman of a successful presidential campaign with the job of postmaster general.
Then again, as Teddy Roosevelt was fond of saying, you have to do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
Our daughters, our sons were able to enjoy what not only Teddy Roosevelt did but what ordinary folks did all across the country.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on America's Great Outdoors Initiative
At the turn of the last century, the Democrats' favorite Republican, Teddy Roosevelt, went on a mission to put business back in its place.
Teddy Roosevelt quoted earlier in this proceeding said it best: No man is above the law, and no man is below the law, either.
Ever since Teddy Roosevelt first called for reform in 1912, seven Presidents -- Democrats and Republicans alike -- have taken up the cause of reform.
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