Even my teen-age son found the sight of their proverbial busyness hard to resist.
Still, the idea of the child-vampire remains a staunch rebuke to the heavy teen-age breathing.
The two have a teen-age daughter Jessica, played by Kate Mara, whom Kay fearlessly protects.
How does that play into this whole thing of teen-age girls trying to decide how they should look?
Among this crowd, ABC Family had always struck me as a conventional teen-age girl, all white teeth and scrunchies.
The media loved the story of the teen-age Jersey geek who beat Apple.
"I had some teen-age girls who would hang around the (ice cream) truck and nothing ever happened, " he said.
She says teen-age volunteers from Jerusalem have been great, running a children's camp and giving them diapers and clothes.
She inspected herself in front of any mirror, searching for flaws like a teen-age girl before a big party.
Spent nearly every teen-age day on the Lower East Side, thought it would always be home, but then N.
It combines a love story with a blow for racial justice on the set of a teen-age television dance show.
He incarnates this character so unself-consciously that glum Eric seems like teen-age despair apotheosized Everykid as the most beautiful of losers.
The Bachmanns also began taking in foster children, all of whom were teen-age girls and many of whom had eating disorders.
She and Joyce were unmarried, and had two teen-age children, Giorgio and Lucia, who were living with them in the two-room apartment.
It was Saturday night, and I was at the local Cheesecake Factory with my two teen-age daughters and three of their friends.
Haddie, their teen-age daughter, was pressured into babysitting, and everyone was resentful, particularly Max, who struggles with any changes to his routine.
Middle-aged tech execs aren't exactly Bieber's demographic, but many onlookers said they were there to get photos or autographs for their teen-age kids.
CNN: Robot makers not thrilled to be stuck next to Justin Bieber
This time, the sisters are matched with ecclesiastic brothers (including Barnard Hughes, Michael Jeter, and Brad Sullivan) and a classroomful of supposed teen-age scene-stealers.
As the story of Clementi has become a popular parable of teen-age good and evil, that yellow-toned photograph has become an icon of adolescent distress.
Where is my heart, I wondered as I watched the first handful of episodes of the show, a mystery involving the murder of a teen-age girl.
Her co-workers include a sarcastic goth girl (Zooey Deschanel), a hyper-Christian security guard (Mike White), and a hunky, teen-age malcontent (Jake Gyllenhaal) who oh-so-subtly calls himself Holden.
The terrific comedy writer Diablo Cody, working with the director Jason Reitman, has fashioned this lovely little movie entirely from the point of view of a teen-age girl.
In 1954, two teen-age girls in Christchurch, New Zealand, Pauline Parker and Juliet Hulme, murdered the mother of one of them after tea and a stroll through a park.
They were wearing gold-colored wristbands distributed by the Tyler Clementi Foundation, which they launched last year to raise awareness of teen-age suicide, cyberbullying, and the difficulties of gay youth.
Michael Nyqvist plays a slightly boring journalist named Blomkvist, who is hired by a rich old man (Sven-Bertil Taube) to probe the disappearance of a teen-age girl, forty years before.
He has used it to log on to her account and remove pictures of himself from his "awkward" teen-age stage, and sometimes to delete friends of his that she has befriended.
WSJ: Parents and children meet and clash on social-networking sites
But then the teen-age Chiyo (Ziyi Zhang) is rescued by a good fairy, Mameha (Michelle Yeoh), a retired geisha who treats her kindly and teaches her the intricacies of her craft.
"We have a terrific comprehensive plan to reduce teen-age smoking in this country by 30 percent in five years, 50 percent in seven years and 60 percent in ten years, " said Moore.
The story is simple: a teen-age boy, Xu Yun, leaves his poor rural village in an obsessive quest to find his prodigal and newly prosperous father in the big city of Zigong.