The reality is, "baby teeth" need to stay put well beyond infancy and the toddler years.
CNN: Baby's teeth: What you should know
"In fact, some of those baby teeth are still in place when the child goes to middle school, " says Largent.
CNN: Baby's teeth: What you should know
Alexis Roman Cruz's parents had set up a six foot tall glass cabinet in their living room filled with his military metals, his childhood toys, even his baby shoes and baby teeth.
NPR: Grief, and Warmth, Among Soldiers' Families in Puerto Rico
Cancer incidence in children under age ten living near New York and New Jersey nuclear plants increased 4-5 years after increases in average Strontium-90 in baby teeth, and declined 4-5 years after Sr-90 averages dropped.
FORBES: French System For Cleaning Fukushima Water Blamed For Leukemia, Polluted Beaches In Europe
Before a baby even arrives, pediatric dentists encourage expectant parents to get their own teeth checked.
CNN: Baby's teeth: What you should know