Moreover, in the few areas of America where one cable company has built over a rival's existing system, where a telephone company has set up an experimental system to deliver television signals, or where there is an old, municipally owned cable system as well as a private one, competition has led to lower prices (see chart).
The city also buzzes with the activities of Kinshasa-based mobile telephone firms that have set up relays on a nearby mountain.
ECONOMIST: With a semblance of peace, trade is flowing again
Landing on these squares can pitch you into a press conference, make you answer manifesto questions, deal with leaks of information or set up telephone canvassing campaigns and challenge opponents to head-to-head debates.
Users can swap files, send friends invitations to download the program or set up Internet telephone calls.
She set up a telephone helpline at the beginning of December and opened the drop in centre in Machynlleth's Penallt Street before Christmas, but said it was early days.
One of Mr Kiriyenko's opening gambits has been to set up a telephone hotline (Moscow 201 8603) for disgruntled Muscovites who want to dish dirt on Mr Luzhkov's notoriously murky administration.
Mr Osbourne said Mr Leach had a hands-free set for the mobile telephone, which had an earpiece.
The two sides agreed to set up a new telephone hotline to alert each to potential nuclear risks.
In Scotland, a telephone support service has now been set up to help support those using the books, which can be freely copied and disseminated, he added.
The FCC is set to rule Thursday on whether Internet telephone providers should have to automatically link customers to emergency 911 service.
What might be more unsettling to exhibit visitors is how nostalgic they might feel for the accoutrements that dot the recreated Westwood-McLaren's Kings Road shop, Clothes for Heroes, in London, including a heavy-handset telephone, cassette tape and big-box TV set.
It was not he who set up Olivetti's vastly successful mobile-telephone business, Omnitel Pronto Italia, but his predecessor.
Draft proposals in recent months would apply the rules to a host of technologies, including Wi-Fi devices, set-top boxes, laptops, printers, telephone handsets and the switches and routers that power corporate networks.
Tobin allegedly gave this fellow the telephone number of another perpetrator, who then made the contact to set up the jamming.
In fact, last night, we were singing a song on the telephone together because she's done a collection of songs that are set to Yeats poems.
"Two years ago, there were grand plans to have a very expensive set-top box in which everything was converged - the telephone, the internet and the TV, " said Mickey Kalifa, UK general manager of OpenTV, which makes the software sitting inside many set-top boxes.
Siemens has set aside 300m euros to pay for the redundancies which will come in its fixed-line telephone unit.
They've set free the coolest technology from behind the locked lab doors at IBM, Xerox and the telephone companies and aft of the machine-gun-equipped guards at America's defense contractors, all of whom had reasons of their own--perfectly valid at the time--to keep the cool stuff from seeing the light of day.
The former's Shrinking Telephone is two minutes of garage punk mayhem and perfection, and you will not see a more energetic live set on this planet.