We sat there drinking lemonade, like an old married couple, watching the kids passing on bicycles, a squirrel scampering along a telephone wire.
The company that the group started that day, Grand Junction, would go on to build Fast Ethernet, running at 100 megabits per second on ordinary telephone wire, ending Ethernet's bottleneck.
At one point, he tried to call the Poxley volunteer fire department, but the creosote pole that supported the telephone wire had already gone up like a torch, taking his service away.
Yet there is clearly a huge opportunity, given the gap between the quality of Internet access most Americans enjoy at work (through high-speed direct connections) and at home (through a copper telephone wire).
"The law was put on the books back in the '70s when we were using the copper-wire telephone, " he said.
The local loop assets cover the last mile or so of wire between telephone exchanges and homes.
Satellite telephones should also be useful in shipping and aviation, as well as in less-developed countries that lack either modern fixed-wire or wireless telephone infrastructures.
He bets that corporations will ditch their old wire-line telephone hardware and buy new phones that send and receive calls over the same broadband connections that hook desktop computers to the internet.
Look at the old mandates that require the firms we used to call telephone companies to maintain their copper-wire phone lines and voice-call switching infrastructure.
FORBES: Big Broadband's Secret Plan to Deliver Wildly Popular Content and Apps to Happy Consumers
As a conductor of light beams, a given volume of the fibers can carry many times as many impulses as a similar volume of copper wire, and may eventually obsolete the latter in telephone communications--as well as in computers, aircraft and for many military purposes.
On an out-of-town trip Carlsbad state senator Joseph Gant Jr. read a wire- service story -- by chance -- about the Lyons fiasco and got on the telephone to other Carlsbad influentials.