Money raised during the telethon is going to the United Way of Central Oklahoma's relief fund.
Musical performances from the telethon will be available for purchase and download from Apple's iTunes store.
The group appeared on the telethon to tell viewers about their experiences in Africa.
The band will first perform it on 16 November, as part of the BBC's Children in Need telethon.
It is licensing the method from the Italian charity Fondazione Telethon and Fondazione San Raffaele for 10 million euros plus milestones.
Other celebrities appearing on the telethon included John Stewart, Brad Pitt, Tom Hanks, Morgan Freeman, Ben Stiller, Clint Eastwood and Denzel Washington.
The stunt officially launched the 2003 Comic Relief appeal which will culminate in the Red Nose Day fundraising telethon on 14 March.
"We're doing everything we can to get the word out, " Bears said, including a telethon last week aimed at the city's Spanish-speaking residents.
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They will be joined by other stars including Billy Joel, Sting and Christina Aguilera on the live one-hour telethon to be broadcast on NBC.
Apple, the record labels and the artists have pledged to donate their share of the proceeds to Haiti relief funds managed by the telethon charities.
The commercial-free telethon will also be streamed live on NBC's website.
The campaign will culminate at month's end with a telethon.
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George Clooney, up for a best actor award for his film "Up in the Air, " will host a telethon on Friday to raise money for the devastated island nation.
Long running BBC Telethon Children in Need (this year taking place on Friday 18th November) will see charity challenges, sponsored events, and all manner of high-jinks happening across Britain.
Meanwhile comedian Jerry Lewis, hosting his 37th national telethon over the weekend to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), paid tribute to the International Association Of Fire Fighters on the show.
Last year, researchers at the San Raffaele Telethon Institute published a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine showing that the technique helped 8 of 10 kids without nasty side effects.
His "Smoke Alarm" system should be "far more effective" than organizing a telethon or charity concert because it is so much faster than physically getting artists together to raise awareness, Robinson said Thursday.
The money raised through the telethon will go directly to the United Way of Central Oklahoma, which will distribute funding to partner agencies directly engaged in helping in relief and recovery efforts for those affected by the May 20 tornado, said Karla Bradshaw, a spokeswoman for the United Way of Central Oklahoma.