Instead, they favored traditional tempera renderings of gods, local relics and rural folk.
WSJ: Modernist Art From India: The Body Unbound at Rubin Museum
The intellectual practices of doubting authority and trying out experiments happened on lutes and with tempera on gesso before they turned toward the stars.
Egg Tempera, which uses egg yolk to bind pigments, dates back to Egyptian times but became largely obsolete after oil paints appeared in the Renaissance.
BBC: Egg artist wins ?15,000 art prize
Facing each other across the large room, both works measure roughly 6 feet by 20 feet and consist of three panels in tempera on canvas.
WSJ: Gary Geipel: The Late Blooming of Odilon Redon
Yet this rich exhibition, the first of its kind in France, is still a remarkable coup given that curators fear lending fragile tempera paintings on wood.
ECONOMIST: A rare chance to see the works of a 15th-century master
Pyne, who graduated from the Government College of Art and Craft in Calcutta, began his career drawing in watercolours before moving to the gouache and tempera form of painting.
BBC: Ganesh Pyne