Thirdly, we need to know what will be the effect of any particular temperature rise.
FORBES: Climate Change Is Now Less Of a Problem. So We Need To Do Less About Climate Change
Experimental models suggest a burst of shrub growth should have accompanied the temperature rise.
When these stations observe a temperature rise, they are simply measuring the "urban heat island effect".
BBC: NEWS | Special Reports | 629 | 629 | Climate scepticism: The top 10
The temperature rise had been due to a firmware update failure, wrote Arthur de Haan, Microsoft vice president.
Secondly, we need to know what the temperature rise from any one set of emissions is going to be.
FORBES: Climate Change Is Now Less Of a Problem. So We Need To Do Less About Climate Change
The IPCC 2007 assessment summarised the probable impact of various temperature rise scen.
What is the temperature rise, after the effects of both positive and negative feedbacks, from a doubling of atmospheric CO2-e?
And yes, this is after the feedbacks, after all of the various things that a temperature rise causes to happen play themselves out.
FORBES: Climate Change Is Now Less Of a Problem. So We Need To Do Less About Climate Change
Recently, work has shown that if you analyse long-term global temperature rise for windy days and calm days separately, there is no difference.
BBC: NEWS | Special Reports | 629 | 629 | Climate scepticism: The top 10
Other mechanisms at play in the climate complicate the issue, but none of them offers a remotely satisfactory alternative explanation for the temperature rise.
The study included data on about half of all Andean glaciers and blamed the melting on an average temperature rise of 0.7C from 1950-1994.
You know, years ago before we had all these vaccines, that fever, that temperature rise over a course of hours can insult a child's brain.
Global warming alarmists claim temperature rise during the past century was unprecedented, with temperatures rising especially rapidly during the latter half of the 20th century.
How much temperature rise will x amount of emissions give us?
FORBES: Climate Change Is Now Less Of a Problem. So We Need To Do Less About Climate Change
But keeping the temperature rise below 2C will mean adopting a wide range of measures - as the committee puts it, there is "no magic bullet".
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Scientists' grim climate report
Now tracks one and two of the conference are discussing trying to stabilise emissions at a level projected to have a fair chance of avoiding a 2C (3.6F) temperature rise.
Around and about 1 degree C of temperature rise.
FORBES: Maybe Climate Change Just Really Isn't A Problem After All?
Since GISS is all about the surface temperature, that suggests (to rational thinkers at least) that some portion of the surface temperature rise post 1975 is due to pollution controls being enacted.
FORBES: Yes! We Should Defund The U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change
The authors say that, even if the rules are relaxed to allow emissions to a level associated with a 3C temperature rise, there will still have to be limits on fossil fuel burning.
Many low-lying nations have used the UN conference, which is currently under way in Doha, to call for a threshold temperature rise less than 2C, arguing that even a 2C rise will jeopardise their future.
His book addresses the argument in cost-benefit terms, and concludes that spending 1-2% of global output to avoid a significant temperature rise is a bargain worth taking a similar conclusion to that in his original 2006 study.
The team suggests it is worth investigating whether the long-term AMO cycles, which are thought to last 65-70 years, may play a part in the temperature rise, fall and rise again seen during the 20th Century.
The rate of greenhouse gas emissions is rising and we're rapidly approaching the date by which science suggests they need to peak if there's to be a reasonable chance of keeping the temperature rise under 2C.
The top line message is that the increase in concentrations over the "noughties" has partially masked temperature rise - similar to the conclusion of the research released two weeks ago, but using a radically different line of inquiry.
He said recent reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which has estimated the possible global temperature rise by 2100 as 5.8 degrees C, had confirmed a "spectacular" retreat and collapse of ice shelves on the Antarctic peninsula.
The IPCC Panel's near-consensus was that human activity is having some discernible impact on climate, and that by 2100, a warming earth could result in more frequent storms and droughts, sea level rise of up to three feet, and up to six degrees F. in temperature rise.
But it's not happening anything like fast enough to meet goals outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which talks of emissions peaking by 2020, preferably by 2015, if the target of limiting the global temperature rise to 2C from pre-industrial levels is to be met.
The gas would soon find its way into the atmosphere, where it would add to the greenhouse effect and cause the temperature to rise.
This is how much temperature will rise given a doubling of atmospheric CO2 (technically, CO2-equivalent, converting all the methane etc to one handy unit).
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This succinctly expresses my understanding of the situation: that human (anthropogenic) emissions of CO2 are causing the global temperature to rise, and the consequences of this are likely to be catastrophic.