After that accident, there was a temporary suspension of hot air balloon flights while safety measures were improved.
Temporary suspension of children's heart surgery at Leeds General Infirmary was correct, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has said.
Last week the government announced the temporary suspension of land grants to private companies to try to curb the problem.
Other opposition parties recently restarted their campaigns after a temporary suspension in observation of the holy month of Muharram, which ended last week.
An outburst from the public gallery during a debate on hydraulic fracturing caused a temporary suspension of the assembly, on 6 December 2011.
Fast-flowing flood water at Copplestone led to the temporary suspension of trains on the Tarka Line, with buses replacing trains between Crediton and Barnstaple.
The head of Freeport's Indonesia unit, Rozik Soetjipto, says it is a temporary suspension out of sympathy for the victims but also due to some safety considerations around underground operations.
That seemed a lot for a country of 13m people. (Only about 10, 000 foreign adoptions a year take place in China.) Now the number has dropped to zero after a temporary suspension.
As this report from the Northern Territory shows, even a temporary suspension will not only hit cattle farmers, but all the support industries, like trucking firms and, more curiously, helicopter mustering groups.
But under pressure from the public and facing something of a backbench revolt on the issue, now the government has gone further and announced a temporary suspension on all live exports to Indonesia.
The best way to ease those immediate fears would be to halt Iran's accumulation of 19.75% LEU. Mr Jalili and his team might agree to a temporary suspension in return for some immediate relief on sanctions, say an EU promise to suspend the oil embargo.
The police and crime commissioner (PCC) of Lincolnshire has denied that the suspension of its temporary chief constable has unsettled the force.
On Monday, Mr Hardwick denied that the suspension of the temporary chief constable has unsettled the force and that it was "business as usual".
The Iranians might argue that the resumption of work at Isfahan should come as no surprise, as they had said from the start that the suspension would be only temporary.
The suspension is also likely to lead to a temporary shutdown of one nuclear plant operated by German utility EnBW AG, and if continued, may force another owned by RWE AG offline, at least temporarily, this year.
The Australian will nevertheless not face the maximum penalty of a two-year suspension, with his nine-month ban backdated to start from 23 December 2002, when a temporary worldwide restriction was first enforced.