Over the long haul, study after study has shown that they tend on average to fare poorly.
It is a well established fact in educational research that children who are younger in their year group at school tend on average to do significantly worse in terms of educational attainment.
Stillbirths tend to happen more on Saturdays, and neonatal death rates tend to be peak on Sundays.
Hence cap rates on homes tend to be on the low side, ( see map).
While self-help books on the brain tend to focus on improving memory or mood, "The Emotional Life of Your Brain, " written with science journalist Sharon Begley, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, makes the case that we can reprogram our brains to help shed negativity and lead a better and more productive life.
The twenty-somethings who tend profiles on both LinkedIn and Facebook may not care where their next job comes from.
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Jesus Mora Flores of Gonzales had come to the area to tend horses on a farm situated between the towns of Shiner and Yoakum.
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They tend, on balance, to point up, as this means that they are pointing in the same direction as the magnetic field a configuration that is much more stable than the reverse.
Once people are on incapacity benefit, they tend to remain on it.
And while fixated interests are common in both sexes on the autism spectrum, girls tend to focus on topics such as on ponies, princesses, dolls or drawings -- common passions for non-autistic girls, too.
As academics we tend to be on the outside, and investment banks tend to be closed.
Out-of-the-money puts on the index are generally more expensive than equally OTM calls because more investors want to protect their stock portfolios on the downside by buying puts than tend to speculate on a rise in the index.
She says that primary school PE needs extra support because schools are measured on numeracy and literacy so that is what they tend to focus on.
On the other side of the Pacific, the battles tend to focus on moral and faith-based issues, like abortion, creationism and same sex marriage.
Countries that outperform their economic peers on maternal and child health tend to do very well on the political status of women.
For obvious reasons, all eyes tend to focus on Sydney Harbour and its deservedly famous Opera House.
As that happens, however, folks are going to tend to take on more personal risk.
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If your faker number runs under 20%, you tend to be on the safe side.
Current regulations and capital requirements tend to focus on the safety of institutions taken in isolation.
Instead, consumers tend to select on the basis of factors like innovative design and brand reputation.
We also tend to err on the side of doing something rather than nothing.
Second, they tend to focus on technical questions such as force coordination and bandwidth allocation.
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That's especially true for minorities, because they tend to stay on dialysis much longer.
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The studies that explore popularity as a market dynamic tend to focus on cultural products.
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Still, successful programmes tend to be on a small scale and run by private groups.
The people who do them tend to work on their own, without much supervision.
Moroccans tend the sunloungers on the beaches and toil on building sites alongside Bulgarians and Romanians.
And because of this attraction we tend to focus on things that somehow seem correlated to output.
But as a society we tend to focus on video games because it's easy to do so.
Countries do not, however, tend to rely on only one tool to get rid of their surpluses.