Now the council has invited landlords to tender for a contract to provide temporary accommodation.
Businessmen want the government to start by putting out to tender Callao's less controversial new terminal.
Whole roasted fish (branzino or turbot) are reliably flaky and tender, served with caramelized lemon.
The Scottish government owns the lease which was put out to tender last year.
On the other hand Bitcoin, unlike those other currencies, is not legal tender for paying debts.
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B. 4128 legislation that makes gold and silver coins legal tender in the state.
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This medium-length film, directed by Letourneur, brings a bracingly droll inventiveness to its tender intrigue.
It's a way for them to be aggressive and manly but also tender and vulnerable.
The larger the denomination of the bill, the shorter its period of being legal tender.
Terraces are notched into Jebel Toubkal's base, and tender shoots sprout from vegetable plots.
New York placed the first-round tender on Cruz a little more than a month ago.
Italy, South Africa, Australia and Japan have also confirmed they will tender for the 2015 event.
The remainder of the calls were from people interested in acquiring our tender buns.
When big projects are planned - the buyer may put it out to tender.
Smoked salmon so tender you carved it by rubbing it with a blunt knife.
Like many baby boomers I married too young, proposing at the tender age of 20.
First, the wireless came out with a moral admonition, then tender music began to play.
They can also run what-if scenarios to see the impact of accepting a tender, for example.
Toward the latter end, Rep. Ron Paul has sponsored a bill repealing legal tender law.
This, coupled with the unfamiliarity of a cutthroat razor, left my cheeks feeling a little tender.
It is expected to tender for its bonds as it breaks itself up into four units.
The lease was put out to tender after the existing lease expired in November 2012.
BBC: Raasay shooting and fishing rights returned to crofters
However, I learned a long time ago that the world cares little about my tender sympathies.
Some need a lot of support and tender loving care to keep working effectively.
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This would be the first tender in the industry aimed at foreign strategic investors.
We also are prepared to commence a cash tender offer reflecting our higher price.
Yankees LHP Boone Logan has a tender elbow and will not throw for a few days.
Thanks to the competitive tender, the customers should finish up getting a far better product.
That amount will be given to the company once it completes a preferred stock tender offer.
SAIC's contract is up for renewal next month and has been put up for tender.