However with the introduction of lighter weight and more flexible plastic substrate magnetic tapes, combined with a vacuum column to control the tension that the magnetic tape experiences during use, the IBM 726 was a prototype of the modern digital tape recording system.
There is, of course, a natural tension between the need to control IT spending and maintaining a strong competitive position in light of new technologies.
WSJ: The Experts: What Is the No. 1 Technology Issue Facing Companies Today?
It illustrates America's schizophrenia on the issue and the built-in tension between the need to control our borders and the profits we reap from keeping it open, between the wall and wallet.
This combination of teaching, tailoring, and taking control draws on constructive tension throughout the sales process.
"That tension between authorship and lack of control is what's so exciting, " Ms. Kopp claimed.
The same tension between European integration and national control also poses problems for bank supervision.
Arms control advocates on both sides worry that tension over the treaty could jeopardize cooperation on Iran and Afghanistan.
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So far, senior Pakistani and Indian officials have kept tension from the recent events from spiraling out of control.
Surface tension in the water can sling the craft out of control or cause it to bounce violently.
ECB, because there is a tension within Europe between the desire for more integration and a reluctance to cede national political control.
"Instead of issuing belligerent statements by the military and political leaders from across the border and ratcheting up tension, it is advisable for the two countries to discuss all concerns related to Line of Control (LoC) with a view to reinforcing respect for the ceasefire, " Ms Khar's office said.
In recent days, as in previous times of tension, the two sides have exchanged heavy machine-gun fire and mortar rounds across the Line of Control, which marks the unofficial border in Kashmir.