Later this year Hagar will introduce a new three-year reserve, tentatively titled Golden Eagle.
It doesn't have an official IEEE designation yet, though it's being referred to tentatively as 802.11n.
The accession dates may come only when talks with each country end, and tentatively even then.
To China's and India's ascent can be tentatively added the sizable states of Brazil and Turkey.
The first direct vote on the reform bill has been tentatively set for 4 p.m.
Berry was by her side as Hill's eyes tentatively blinked open two days after surgery.
That is hardly the ideal preparation for the independence referendum scheduled tentatively for next year.
The 'Endeavour' is tentatively scheduled to rendezvous with the Space Station on December 6.
Pasok has freed up the economy only tentatively, held back by the country's feisty unions.
But the latest economic indicators suggest the economy really is starting to grow, albeit slowly and tentatively.
It is tentatively scheduled to come up for a vote on April 6, with virtually assured passage.
Friday's game between the Pittsburgh Penguins and Boston Bruins was postponed and tentatively rescheduled for 12:30 p.m.
Whatever Hun Sen's motivations, the door is now open for Ranariddh's return, tentatively scheduled for March 30.
The environmental group Friends of the Earth tentatively applauded the news of a new food safety agency.
CNN: Food Central - European Union to create food safety watchdog
They are also working together to prepare for the second plenary meeting, tentatively scheduled for April 2012.
But they have tentatively set November 1 as the date for a runoff if one is necessary.
The multiplatform project is tentatively titled Running in the Background: The True Story of John McAfee.
FORBES: John McAfee Sells Rights To Life Story In Latest Display Of Narcissism
The weather service has tentatively classified the Moore twister's wind speeds as an EF4 on a 5-point scale.
Afghan election officials have tentatively set November 1 as the date for a runoff if one is necessary.
If you have two or three industries tentatively targeted, decide whether or not you want to do banks.
FORBES: New York's FinTech Innovation Lab Links Startups To Big Banks
"This whole thing points to an automotive renaissance, " gushes Painter, who has tentatively named his company Build-To-Order .
The beta's tentatively scheduled to last about four weeks, so here's hoping we'll see a public release soon thereafter.
ENGADGET: SlingPlayer Mobile for Symbian in private beta Mobile
He hopes to publish the results of his research in a forthcoming book, tentatively titled The Ever-Changing American Voter.
Funeral services are tentatively scheduled for next week in Cypress, California, she said.
But this month, Canada's trickiest political issue has stirred tentatively back into life.
President Clinton is tentatively scheduled to make a campaign appearance in New York.
Perhaps, tentatively, the suburbs, in which half of Americans live, are to blame.
They were tentatively identified as Blassie's, and stored away in a military laboratory.
Tentatively, I suggest a ten-year moving average to reflect a full asset-price cycle.
Cable keeps pushing the content envelope, while broadcast tentatively follows several footsteps behind.