The United States, which has strategic interest in Georgia, says it supports Georgia's territorial integrity.
But the U.S. always backed the territorial integrity of Russia, never endorsing the separatists' desire for an independent state.
France will continue its mission allowing Mali to regain its territorial integrity, and then leave the African troops to deal with it.
" He said the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity "must be respected.
As noted, the United States is committed to preserving Iraq's territorial integrity.
"Working with African and international partners, we must do our part to help fully restore Mali's constitutional order and territorial integrity, " he said.
"The Turkish Armed Forces, which values Iraq's territorial integrity and its stability, will return as soon as planned goals are achieved, " the military said.
This came only a few days after Mr Obama said that America recognises Georgia's territorial integrity and does not want a renewal of military conflict.
One of these principles stresses respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty.
Nor could they understand why a nation would go to war to protect the territorial integrity of countries that did not impact their national interests.
And the only way that Afghanistan is secure is if the sovereignty, the territorial integrity, the Afghan constitution, the Afghan people are respected by their neighbors.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Karzai Press Availability
Judge Asril Marwan told the Banda Aceh district court that Ms McCulloch's actions "could have threatened national security and the territorial integrity of the Republic of Indonesia".
The west African bloc Ecowas said it was authorising the immediate deployment of troops to Mali "to help the Malian army defend its territorial integrity", AFP reported.
But recognizing the scale of the mission to restore Mali's territorial integrity, French officials have indicated that some troops would stay in the country at least until July.
Territorial integrity is a most sensitive issue for any nation.
But the collapse of law and order in the province could have serious repercussions on Pakistan's territorial integrity and heighten tensions between the largest province Punjab and the smaller provinces.
Zeidan ag Sidi Lamine, a former rebel now living in Bamako and part of the Malian government, said talks with the rebels were possible if it would accept the country's territorial integrity.
The Chinese government is ready to work even harder with the international community to further commit themselves to safeguarding a unified, not a divided, Sudan, whose sovereignty and territorial integrity should be duly respected.
Security Council resolutions regarding Georgia's territorial integrity.
President Isaias said in July 1998 that this was not a matter of boundaries but of national pride and territorial integrity - it is hardly surprising the two sides have been unable to agree on a peace process.
The members of the Security Council reaffirm their commitment to the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Iraq, and emphasize the importance of the stability and security of Iraq for its people, the region and the international community.
He also said there was no resolution so far of the basic contradiction between the two sides: the Azeris demand that its territorial integrity be maintained, and the Armenian demand that Armenians in Karabakh had a natural right to self-determination.
"The Secretary-General calls on all concerned to prevent tensions or their escalation in the region, and to strictly abide by international law, in particular in respect of territorial integrity and sovereignty of all countries in the region, " the statement said.
We affirm our commitment once more to the independence and the territorial integrity of Iraq under a government that represents the Iraqi people and emanating from its free will, where Iraqi people live in peace and harmony with its neighbors.
In case some politicians found it difficult to understand all this, Article 2(4) spelled it out in unequivocal terms: "All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state".
The Tunisian government warned of "immediate and disastrous consequences" to bilateral relations and said the "serious" attacks are likely to force Tunis to take "severe" measures such as reporting the violations to the U.N. secretary general in order "to defend its territorial integrity, " the source told the news agency.
We have a set of challenges that require NATO to shift from the 20th century to the 21st century -- issues of terrorism, failed states, nuclear proliferation -- a whole host of new challenges, as well as the traditional role that NATO has played in preserving the territorial integrity of NATO members.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with NATO Secretary General
The role of Njurinceke since the start of the Meru community was to preserve the cohesiveness of the people of Meru, the territorial integrity, ensure proper governance of the society with justice and fairness to all, protect the weak and vulnerable especially women and children, and act as guardians of culture and identity.