These holy places and the nearby Neolithic sites are an incomparable testimony to prehistoric times.
Given that Taylor farms 10, 000 acres, from Vancouver Island down into Mexico, that is impressive testimony.
He criticised the testimony of Detective Hilton Botha for not following up important leads and changing his evidence.
The substantial remains are a testimony to the contribution Cornwall and West Devon made to the Industrial Revolution.
In its prepared testimony, Apple said that the move was in its shareholders' best interests.
BBC: Apple 'among largest tax avoiders in US' - Senate committee
The case centred on the testimony of two sisters who had changed their account.
That stoicism in the face of emotional testimony disappeared in the jury room, he said.
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Murdoch claimed in his recent parliamentary testimony that he had no knowledge of the hacking.
Brennan talked about the AP story and investigation in written testimony to the Senate.
And grandfathers don't go to jail, Lay was saying in his testimony, do they?
Two primary messages appear to have been at the heart of this recent testimony.
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Prosecutors believe her testimony about Kevorkian's intent to ease her husband's pain would be hearsay.
Youk's testimony, Kevorkian could have a difficult time proving his intent without testifying himself.
Reno, meanwhile, began her testimony in open session, defending the funding request in very general terms.
At the time, things looked bright, says his younger stepsister Elizabeth in written testimony.
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Mr. Teksler's testimony marked the fourth time an Apple employee was called as a witness.
Still, at this trial Allen has been a reluctant witness, giving sometimes contradictory testimony.
Bonds was granted immunity for his December 4, 2003, testimony before the grand jury.
Mr Gomez was arrested in 2008 and charged with kidnapping, extortion, rebellion and giving false testimony.
But, for now, the focus remains on cycling, Operation Puerto, Fuentes and Tyler Hamilton's testimony.
CNN: Dopes on the ropes: Can sport ever beat its drug cheats?
In 1971, the Knapp Commission rocked the city with testimony about systemic police corruption.
Just in the past week, the House Ethics Committee began taking testimony about Foley.
Lawyers for Mr. Curtis indicated in the court testimony they believe Mr. Dutschke framed their client.
Still, a good deal of evidence has since emerged about the protagonists and their testimony.
In my testimony, I worried that rising economic inequality might provoke a populist backlash.
The trial was cut short after 11 days of testimony, when Judge Albert J.
In January Ms Mahroug arrived at the trial to give testimony for the defence.
During her testimony, she said she told Mr. Sherman in 2002 about Gitano "Tony" Bryant.
Simpson's luggage with conflicting testimony about how many bags he took on his trip to Chicago.
In Europe, markets moved into the red late in the day on Mr. Bernanke's testimony.