• The testimony of a witness who shared a cell with Robert Firkins, and told the police Firkins had confessed to the crime, was central to the trial.

    BBC: Lee and Robert Firkins

  • Over the prosecution's objection, Judge Ito told the lawyers he was going to give the jury special instructions about the infamous dream testimony of prosecution witness Ron Shipp.

    CNN: Frayed nerves will remain after Simpson trial

  • We have received sanctimonious lectures from the other side of the aisle about the rule of law, but the law does not permit perjury to be proved by the uncorroborated testimony of one witness nor does the law recognizes corroboration, the fact that the witness made the same statement to several different people.

    CNN: Transcript: Opening statement of Rep. Nadler

  • That was part of the testimony of the first witness, Robert Grabowski, in the trial of Ross Mandell and Adam Harrington, all from Sky Capital.

    FORBES: Sky Capital's Ross Mandell Faces Accuser - An Old Friend

  • Third, the president personally, with corrupt intentions, tampered with the testimony of a perspective witness, Betty Currie.


  • Her lawyer says he will also stop attending hearings, after the testimony of a defence witness was cut short.

    BBC: Victoire Ingabire boycotts Rwanda terror trial

  • The law is clear that a person may be convicted of obstructing justice if he corruptly influenced the testimony of a perspective witness.


  • The jury will be asked to wade through mountains of evidence, including thousands of pages of documents, witness testimony from dozens of witnesses, and more.

    FORBES: Michael Jackson's Death On Trial: AEG Vs. The Jackson Family

  • Jurors in Yates' first trial found her guilty of capital murder in March 2002, but the conviction was overturned in 2005 because of the erroneous testimony of a prosecution witness.

    CNN: Andrea Yates case: Expert says children suffered 'slow death'

  • During the trial the testimony of the key witness for the prosecution (who had cut a deal with the government for less jail time in return for pointing a finger at a higher-up like Tobin) was effectively impeached.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The managers cast this conversation, this recitation, this series of statements and questions put by the president to Ms. Currie in the most sinister light possible and alleged that the president attempted to influence the testimony of a "witness, " quote, "witness, " unquote, by pressuring Ms. Currie to agree with an inaccurate version of the facts surrounding his relationship with Ms. Lewinsky.

    CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement

  • "The close" is when lawyers finally connect all the dots and weave a coherent story out of witness testimony and documentary evidence.

    FORBES: Case Closed For Lay, Skilling

  • The court said it based its ruling largely on the testimony of the key prosecution witness, Ruben Chanax, a homeless man who claimed he had been hired by the officers.

    BBC: Guatemala court annuls rights verdict

  • Some of the testimony was equally bizarre, as the accusing witness told of being plied with wine -- "Jesus Juice, " he said Jackson called it.

    CNN: Michael Jackson's legal woes likely to live on

  • The European report comes after three months of hearings and witness testimony, as NPR's Rachel Martin reports from Berlin.

    NPR: European Investigation Reports Undeclared CIA Flights

  • But he said the jurors didn't trust the testimony of the government's star witness, former Edwards aide Andrew Young, who accepted the money and hid Mr. Edwards's pregnant mistress from his ailing wife, the late Elizabeth Edwards, and from the press while he ran for president.

    WSJ: John Edwards Jury Saw Guilt, but Lack of Proof

  • The White House has said it has already turned over more than 10, 000 pages of Benghazi-related documents, along with witness interviews, staff briefings and hours of testimony.

    NPR: White House To Give Senators Benghazi Documents

  • In this constitutional process of securing a witness' testimony, perjury simply has no place whatever.

    CNN: Sen. Allard's closed-door impeachment statement

  • This is more than witness tampering, it is witness compulsion of false testimony by an employer to a subordinate employee.


  • Most lead news items were court-bound blow-by-blows, ripping Gates' apparently evasive testimony and recounting the testimony of the government's first expert witness.

    CNN: Transfer interrupted!

  • Several recent, high-profile trials have also used anonymous witness testimony, including those following the murders of schoolboy Michael Dosunmu and care worker Magda Pniewska.

    BBC: Witness ruling halts murder trial

  • Court papers show Ms. Lee has received immunity from prosecutors in exchange for her testimony as a witness at next week's trial of former campaign treasurer Jia "Jenny" Hou and fundraiser Xing Wu "Oliver" Pan.

    WSJ: Trial Pits Liu's Aide, Ex-Backers

  • Ranta's story is set to change in dramatic fashion on Thursday, when prosecutors say they'll ask a judge to vacate his conviction based on a recent review that cast doubt on witness testimony and concluded detectives had mishandled aspects of the investigation.

    WSJ: Freedom near for man convicted of killing NY rabbi

  • He wouldn't allow the defense to argue that no one's memory is infallible and blocked testimony from an expert witness who had made extensive studies of memory--especially what happens when a person handles the multitudinous tasks Libby was tackling 14 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    FORBES: Do Bad Economic Ideas Ever Die?

  • At the centre of the trial was testimony by the government's star witness, David Headley, once Rana's close friend.

    BBC: Mumbai attack group aid man given 14 years in prison

  • However, the new jury would have to review evidence and hear opening statements, closing arguments and witness testimony in a "Cliffs Notes" version of the trial, Romley said.

    NPR: Arias Jury Deadlocked But Must Keep Deliberating

  • Ms. ROUG: First of all, even the authorities are relying on witness testimony, and that varied quite widely.

    NPR: Baghdad Kidnappings Create Political Crisis

  • Thirteen, there is substantial and credible evidence that the president may have endeavored to obstruct justice and engage in witness tampering in attempting to coach and influence the testimony of Betty Currie before the grand jury.

    CNN: Transcript: Schippers, Lowell briefings before Judiciary panel, part 2

  • Equally as important, however, Mr. Starr has himself questioned veracity of his one witness, Miss Lewinsky, by questioning her testimony that his office suggested she tape record Miss Currie, Mr. Jordan and potentially, the president.


  • Combining mapping with user-generated witness reports, Ushahidi, or "testimony, " tracked incidents of deaths, rioting, looting and rape, all sent in by concerned Kenyans.

    CNN: Ory Okolloh, the pan-African blogger

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