• While an illustrated alphabet in rhyme, the shorter catechism, and selections of prayers and Bible verses remained the unchanging core of The New-England Primer, variations in the text from edition to edition were common and became a barometer of changing cultural codes and priorities.

    NPR: Excerpt: 'Minders of Make-Believe'

  • For many years the Catholic Church discouraged translation of the official Latin Vulgate edition for fear that the text might be corrupted or misinterpreted.

    UNESCO: The Freedom to read

  • This edition has been converted from a public domain text and adds hypertext browsing for quick navigation.

    CNN: Top 10 free e-books

  • Although the script slants to the right and looks unfamiliar to modern Arabic speakers, the text itself is almost exactly what you would find in a modern printed edition.

    BBC: The Koran through the ages

  • So he presented himself in the original edition as the editor, claiming that an anonymous couple had handed him the text, which he had merely tweaked and contextualised.

    BBC: How the Joy of Sex was illustrated

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