Alice had a good ruddy ratatouille, in which the eggplant cubes retained their shape but had a correctly softtexture, with the lovely addition of a handful of plump capers.
Weighing in at just over a pound, the inMotion Air's sleek industrial design features top-mounted controls, soft-texture finish and an ergonomic handle in the back for easy carrying.
All breakfast pastries are made in-house (a humble English muffin on the breakfast menu was made memorable with its perfect texture crispy on the outside and soft on the inside).
Will your brand be a Puffs, which is known for soft-as-a-cloud texture and beyond-soothing moisture that really comforts congested consumers, or will it be a Kleenex that simply lets them blow their noses?
In fact, excellent soft jerky is widely available in Asia, yet for some reason in this country we insist on the texture of shoe leather, with the convenience store bagged varieties giving jerky a bad name.