As a satirist of social pretensions, Evelyn Waugh (1903-66) is something of a Thackeray step-child.
Raj Thackeray split from Shiv Sena, now run by his cousin, to further his own ambitions.
Last year Mr Thackeray seemed to soften, and hinted that he would allow matches in future.
Western health trust officials were expected to brief residents and their families in Thackeray on Tuesday evening.
Rectory Field and William Street in Londonderry, Greenfield in Strabane and Thackeray Place in Limavady may shut.
Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray met Tata Group Chairman Emeritus Ratan Tata today at his residence here.
His doctor told the crowd Mr Thackeray had "breathed his last" at about 15:30 (10:00 GMT) on Saturday.
BBC: Bal Thackeray, Hindu leader and Shiv Sena founder, dies
Loved and loathed in equal measure, Mr Thackeray will be sorely missed by legions of his dedicated cadres.
At the bottom, hanging like a pendulum, is a picture of Bal Thackeray: a serene, orange-robed guru, grinning.
Christopher Symons, 63, of Thackeray End, Aylesbury, is charged with Ms Goodband's murder.
What will be the legacy of India's best known right-wing Hindu leader, Bal Thackeray, who died over the weekend?
Jones was then upended by Southport defender Mark Winstanley, whose indiscretion went unpunished when Andy Thackeray squandered the resulting free-kick.
Mr Thackeray, who founded his party in 1966, began by attacking poor south-Indian migrants to Bombay, as Mumbai was then called.
The knives were given away at an event held in Mumbai on the birthday of Bal Thackeray, Shiv Sena's late leader.
BBC: India Shiv Sena party gives knives to women for protection
It is also difficult to see any Shiv Sena leader emerging who can invoke the frenzy and reverence that Mr Thackeray commanded.
Hindu fundamentalist politician Bal Thackeray, the founder of the right-wing Shiv Sena party, has died in Mumbai at the age of 86.
BBC: Bal Thackeray, Hindu leader and Shiv Sena founder, dies
Rising to Thackeray's bait, some of his counterparts on the lunatic fringe of Pakistani politics have issued similar threats against Indian players.
Until all states pass cyberstalking laws, investigators will spend too much time getting search warrants while cyberstalkers continue terrorizing their victims, Thackeray said.
Mr Thackeray was blamed for inciting tensions between Hindu and Muslim communities during the 1993 Mumbai riots in which about 900 people died.
BBC: Bal Thackeray, Hindu leader and Shiv Sena founder, dies
"I'm counting the days until July 18, when the new law goes into effect -- it includes a stiff penalty for cyberstalking, " Thackeray said.
Mr Thackeray installed one of his trusted lieutenants as the chief minister to retain, what he called, "the remote control" to run the government.
Thackeray, indeed, remarked on the corsetless dress of rural Irish women, and the fact that they kissed perfect strangers in greeting, their vast bosoms swinging.
Mr Chaudhury said the party leader Bal Thackeray had said that women should carry a "Rampuri (small Indian knife) in their purse rather than a lipstick".
BBC: India Shiv Sena party gives knives to women for protection
Gregory Campbell, MP for East Londonderry, and his party colleague George Robinson have joined councillors in Limavady in a campaign to keep Thackeray Place care home open.
William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-63) achieved a rare harmony of caustic narrative and engraved depiction and nowhere more brilliantly than in Vanity Fair: A Novel without a Hero (1848).
Shiv Sena party president Uddhav Thackeray and Bharatiya Janata Party leader Vinod Tawde said his comments were "a cruel joke on the drought-hit population of the state".
Meanwhile, Mr Thackeray, who had now become a kind of authoritarian leader who could get things done with a mere phone call, shifted to a different stance.
In a case that Thackeray investigated last year, she tracked down a Phoenix man who harassed his ex-girlfriend by posting personal ads in a Phoenix community Web site.
Tom Bush, who landed all four kicks for a 12-point individual haul, and Anthony Thackeray ran in York's other tries, but they missed out on a bonus point.
The estate agent had gussied up the history of the place in the brochure a traditional coaching inn, original beams, visited by Thackeray, heritage bleeding out the wazoo, etc.