Thai coffee is brewed strong, spiced with chicory and combined with condensed milk and ice.
It houses a Thai bookstore, grocery and the unimaginatively named Thailand Plaza Restaurant, which serves traditional cuisine.
They're a pain in the neck because they don't speak Thai so they have to have interpreters.
Yet his intuition about the leisure tastes of the budding Thai middle class was dead-on.
FORBES: Thai Beverage Man Tan Passakornnatee Is On a Mission
We have close relationships with the -- across the Thai government and across the Thai military.
It found no evidence that Krung Thai required risk-mitigation measures such as identification of anchor tenants.
Tarrin is in damage-control mode, assuring the public that he would fully investigate Krung Thai's non-performing-loans.
Government spokesman Akapol Sorasuchart points out that Tarrin did not name Sirin to Krung Thai.
Thai share prices fell by 70% in dollar terms between last July and mid-January.
There is no British Embassy in Laos and the nearest is in the Thai capital, Bangkok.
On Sunday, 25 March, the Secretary-General met the Thai Prime Minister, Yingluck Shinawatra.
Some critics of Thai lakorn or dramas say they have created a taste for simplistic, hyped story lines.
Solidifying dominance of the Thai energy industry will likely lead ChevronTexaco to its next acquisition.
He came "to discuss mutual trade and investment cooperation, " and announced 10 scholarships for Thai students.
Lindsjo, part of the Thai Society for the Conservation of Wild Animals, decided to operate.
The Thai army also forced Cambodian operators to abandon two casinos in O'Smach, opposite Surin province.
Thai tough guys place bets as their bodyguards hover behind holding their bosses' mobile phones.
The combination makes Thai cuisine what it is, but it takes a lifetime to learn.
Thank modern times and certain Thai government policies, but also thank a Singaporean ex-architect.
The Thai government has approved a compensation fund for victims of political unrest in the country.
Theyd get a chit for future payments -- only if the Thai oilfield met certain goals.
Instructors who are specialists in Muay Thai and other martial arts train them one-on-one.
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The Thai government has decided against any moves that will drive up costs to the public.
Treatment in Thai public hospitals, Supija insists, is on par with that in private ones.
In August, Thai authorities arrested several people said to be planning attacks on the meeting.
ECONOMIST: Forget economics. APEC countries are focused on security
If elected, Thaksin says he will focus on helping to create new Thai enterprises and entrepreneurs.
Institutional changes are required to be initiated to make the Thai media accountable to the public.
With the collapse of the Thai baht in mid-1997, the entire region entered an economic maelstrom.
The SET stock index is up 19% (total return in Thai baht) over the past year.
Instead of cleaning my teeth, Roger Thai spent an hour examining my bite and jaw structure.