Does anyone have a more thankless job in America than Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke?
In all fairness, to be an umpire today in Major League Baseball is a thankless job.
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Take a deep breath and say thank you for doing your best in a thankless job.
Severino, a Philippine diplomat, has held the thankless job of secretary general since January 1998.
Of course, for all of its importance education can be a thankless job.
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Like taking on the military budget, the drug companies, or the teachers unions, taking on the prison industry is a thankless job.
Regardless, the player tasked with covering Matthews still has a thankless job.
The winner faces the thankless job of rebuilding the devastated city.
That's the thankless job of Special Agent Gray Hill, who unfortunately fails to reunite many a map with its proper home, even after months of investigation.
Umpiring can be a tough and thankless job.
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Why ought our American troopers have to hang their heads in shame for performin a tough, thankless job that few among us would be willing do at all and none would be able to perform as well?
You probably spent it grinding away at a thankless job, having been burdened with the workload of three people in your department who got laid off, and you still see no prospect of a raise or a promotion in sight.
After all, being President is a thankless and nearly impossible job.
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Though Lord Justice Leveson's job is thankless, it is the prime minister who bears the burden of deciding whether to support his recommendations when they arrive in the autumn.
While it was an interesting and brain-filling type of employment, the job itself was rather thankless.