And thanks for your hospitality, and thanks for helping to build a future.
Thanks everyone for helping us make the Engadget Show better than ever (and thanks in advance for voting).
So enjoy yourselves and thanks again for helping us to celebrate these extraordinary men and women of letters and the arts.
WHITEHOUSE: The 2010 National Medal of Arts and National Humanities Medal Ceremony | The White House
In the card, Gavin describes Mr Jackson as the finest grown-up in the world and thanks him for helping him beat cancer.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Star's home 'was pleasure island'
Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) said landowners and land managers deserved thanks for their part in helping the raptors establish territories.
"We were overwhelmed by the way in which the media and local people got behind our campaign and I would like to extend my thanks to the public for helping us find Zoya safe and well, " she added.
Karzai offered his thanks to the American people for helping Afghanistan, and the presidents shook hands after signing the Strategic Partnership Agreement in the atrium of the King's Residence, part of the Presidential Palace in Kabul.
Thanks to my Tax Policy Center colleague Yuri Shadunsky for helping review the Perry years.
The San Francisco company's peer-to-peer data transfer technology has been blamed for helping online piracy to flourish, thanks to its use by several copyright-infringing media sites.
BBC: BitTorrent reveals Bundle file to package media content
Mr. Mellor extended special thanks to the respected media fraternity for attending the forum and helping in promoting such a noble cause.
Many thanks to the authors for advancing the idea of higher ambition leaders and helping to clarify the difference between CSR and corporate social purpose.
Thanks, Diane. (Applause.) And to the entire host committee, for helping to make this event such a success.
CRISIL, an impressive outfit, is furthest down this path with half its sales from abroad, mainly from helping banks with equity research and risk-management models, demand for which has soared thanks to more regulation in the rich world.
You don't need to fall for a technological determinism to understand that the Internet is helping to radicalize a new generation of young people thanks to our new-found capacity to communicate instantaneously across continents.