Mr Sissling also defended the work and advice given to health boards by the National Clinical Forum, the body that gives expert advice to health boards.
He has established video and internet links with hospitals in India, Africa and Malaysia so that his surgeons can give expert advice to less experienced colleagues.
The ASA said it took expert advice and concluded that the claim could not be justified.
Finally, pensions must be persuaded that in order to receive objective expert advice, they must pay investment consultants substantially more.
FORBES: The Future of the Consulting Industry Speech, (September 19, 2005)
Community Safety Minister Roseanna Cunningham said expert advice was clear that the laws could be improved at football grounds and in policing the internet.
There are still things in the physical world that are going to be important: expert advice and the ability to see and touch the latest tablets.
McKinsey executives, in an attempt to cash in on the explosive growth of hedge funds, had recently sent Rajaratnam several e-mails proposing that Galleon hire the company to provide expert advice.
He said that he wanted people "to have a decent life, not one wracked by poverty and insecurity" and argued that if they "do not get expert early advice" problems in their lives would only get worse.
But the experts were providing their expert advice, but not the policy decisions that were obviously under the purview of the Secretary of Interior.
Expert advice: "The good news is that Meredith's insomnia seems to have a clear precipitant -- the breakup, " says sleep-medicine specialist David Neubauer, M.
But if men are diagnosed with prostate cancer, before deciding that treatment is necessary, they should seek advice from a prostate-cancer expert who is comfortable with doing active surveillance.
WSJ: Are PSA Tests a Good Idea for Screening Men for Prostate Cancer?
The advice we had been given by a local wildlife expert was that they did not pose a threat to people.
As a result of shifting responsibility for retirement planning onto workers and financial product innovation, virtually all Americans (and foreign investors for that matter) that had accumulated any degree of wealth turned to financial services firms for expert, independent investment advice and investment products.
FORBES: On Your Own: Investing in An Era of Irrelevant Regulation (October 2009)