That depends on your assumptions about when you die and what tax law is in effect.
We're going to lose those vital habitats and with it the wildlife that depends on it.
BBC: Work carried out to protect Severn Estuary salt marshes
One should regard cynically any argument that depends on the stereotype of woman as helpless victim.
That depends a lot on how much it costs to get at the oil.
NPR: Industry Seeks to Extract Oil from Rocky Mountain Shale
Well, that depends on when you think the economy gets back to 3% or better growth.
That depends on how old you are, where you live and what you own.
That depends on how market returns compare with tuition increases and how you'd otherwise invest.
Well that depends of course on your brand and the makeup of your particular target audience.
That is especially true of an approach that depends on litigation settlements negotiated by lawyers.
Much of that depends on personal risk tolerance as well as your holding period.
That depends on whether the government finally does something to resuscitate its moribund economy.
It is a pact that depends partly on the owner not appearing to be too greedy.
The emphasis on authenticity makes sense for a company that depends on a reputation for honesty.
FORBES: Costco Is Now Selling Matisse. Why Not Take On Gagosian Gallery?
That depends on which is more important: a good management strategy or good customers.
Cutting greenhouse gas emissions may also prove expensive, though that depends on how it is done.
That depends partly on the role that his vice-president, Megwati Sukarnoputri, eventually finds for herself.
But that depends mainly on what happens next in the Middle East, including any possible American retaliation.
He said that depends on further studies by his health and environmental conservations commissioners, whom he appointed.
President Obama proposed cutting that tax in half for companies of all sizes, but that depends on Congress.
It may raise question marks over the use of a patent that depends heavily on competitor technology, though.
FORBES: That Apple Flexible Display For a Future iPhone, Cool And Cute
And when your organization is already managing a strong social media effort that depends on interaction with fans.
That depends on what worries entrepreneurs more: current interest rates, or the future possibility of losing their home.
The scattering changed the momentum of the electrons in a way that depends on their original orbital position.
Well, that depends how many are built, but it's a safe bet its considerable capabilities won't come cheap.
ENGADGET: South Korea creates speedy new UAV, gives it VTOL capabilities to boot
And any outfit that depends on advertising is liable to worry more about offending advertisers than about pleasing viewers.
Bad, if you are concerned about a balance sheet that depends on the value of cars coming off lease.
To some degree that depends on Capitol Hill and whether a resulting law requires limited or extensive clinical trials.
But that depends on its execution, explained Dan Immergluck, from the Georgia Institute of Technology, in an email.
FORBES: FHA Turns, Once More, to Private Investors to Aid Troubled Homeowners
That depends on whether online retailers like the ones mentioned above decide to go elsewhere instead of paying Google.
FORBES: Is Google Shopping Funneling its Customers to Amazon?
The structure of ETFs does lend itself to a more tax-efficient model, but that depends on each product also.