They say that Wisconsin's voice doesn't count, that your vote doesn't count.
That doesn't count Abdulmutallab, who was the subject of warnings to the CIA that he was a potential terrorist.
"My form's good in practice but that doesn't count for anything really, " he said.
That doesn't count those who should probably cut down some, but whose alcohol use hasn't developed into a full-blown problem.
That doesn't count leverage, fueled by extraordinarily cheap credit.
An obsolete definition of income is used that doesn't properly count pensions, home equity, retirement accounts and capital gains.
"The pre-season has been very successful but we are all very aware that it doesn't count for anything when it comes to Saturday, 14 August, " he said.
The second problem is that every vote doesn't count equally.
" Sixty-five percent believe that "What I think doesn't count very much.
The Republicans argue that voting machines are more reliable than humans and that no ballot should count if it doesn't register in a machine tabulation.
So far that page still doesn't have an ad, if you don't count the sponsored pitch to keep trying Google Instant.
You know, stuff really, really doesn't mean much - it's the few things that count that you really want to have with you.
Last fall Starbucks boosted its target for ultimate store count by 20%, to 30, 000 (though that target doesn't come with a date).
"What I'm saying is that they've got it very wrong in the past and that qualifications must be made to count" came the answer from Andrew RT Davies which doesn't add up to "yes".
But in August the Department of Homeland Security issued rules providing that the letters will count as evidence an employer knew a worker was illegal if he doesn't either resolve the discrepancy--perhaps a worker got married and changed her name--or fire the worker within 93 days.