For social commentators like Peter York -- author of the famous "Sloane Ranger Handbook" -- Wimbledon represents a type of Britishness that doesn't exist any more: one steeped in glorious Empire that is overwhelmingly white, affluent and still centered around London and the south east of England.
CNN: Game, set and match: What Wimbledon says about the British
Therefore, commercial software is subject to a dynamic that doesn't exist in the world of Windows: competition.
"Reserves are a concept that doesn't exist in any other business, " he says.
"The artworks are reflections of the time and that era of a country that doesn't exist any more, " she says.
America can easily distance itself from a peace process that doesn't exist.
Maybe, he thought out loud, we need a piece of technology that doesn't exist to solve the problem of choosing a health plan.
In economic terms, it offers the spread effect, spinning out opportunities for doing business, and for reaching critical mass that doesn't exist in purely Scottish or more regional markets.
Why is it that there's a sense of unity or a sense of nation or a sense of organizing that exists at the American Western level that doesn't exist for Africa?
As a result, we talk ourselves into having a memory that doesn't actually exist.
WSJ: Jonah Lehrer on Memory, Witnesses and Crime | Head Case
Ideally the public would possibly forgive a mistake or two if politicians were candid about it, but that culture doesn't exist.
There's nothing like jumping the gun to announce your involvement with a phone that technically doesn't exist, but we've gotta say, we love Qualcomm for doing it.
ENGADGET: Qualcomm confirms its role in LG superphone with quad-core Snapdragon S4
In short, when the dollar is in decline limited capital tends to flow toward hard assets such as gold, land and rare art that already exist, and away from the stock and bond income streams that will fund the creation of wealth that doesn't yet exist.
Not that discrimination didn't any longer exist - or doesn't now - but the gradual acceptance that it was contrary to the spirit of a new time.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Full text: Blair on law and order
This is an out-of-the-blue kind of pre-emptive legislation dealing with a problem that doesn't even seem to exist.
America's leaders seem to ignore the problem at the heart of this debate: to survive, the euro may need a spirit of European solidarity that simply doesn't seem to exist.
While members of Congress aren't getting a lot of calls for 4-year-olds being turned away from Head Start programs, that doesn't mean they don't exist.
Bizarrely, the U.S. site doesn't even mention that 501s exist.
Let's behave as if the same culture of reverence doesn't exist elsewhere, to insist that the billions being paid for broadcast rights and the seven-figure salaries bestowed upon college coaches couldn't possibly contribute to other reality distortion fields and scandals.
That dividend tends to put a floor under the preferred, which doesn't exist for the common.
The rise of the Web notwithstanding, it's still true that unless the mainstream press covers a story, it pretty much doesn't exist.
And I think that's been the downfall of supermodels in general because the term supermodel doesn't exist anymore.
You can see debris for miles, houses that look like piles of sticks, and the vacation community of Holly Beach just doesn't exist anymore.
One thing that advertisers really like with Google and that has drawn them to this, according to at least one that I've talked to, is that this allows them to apply some of those metrics to print advertising, which doesn't really exist, you know, anywhere.
Humanity doesn't exist, there are only human beings, each of them ruled by passions and illusions that conflict with one another and within themselves.
BBC: A Point of View: Can religion tell us more than science?