The only Golden State team that doesn't figure to be in playoff contention is the San Diego Padres, who open against the New York Mets.
That figure doesn't include income from investments, which would make the gap even larger.
Some analysts said that expectations had become overheated, and noted that the five-million-unit figure doesn't include pre-ordered iPhones that Apple has shipped to customers but haven't yet been signed for.
It wasn't clear how many of the community's 500 residents were included in that figure, and it doesn't take into account at least two busloads of protesters removed from the synagogue there.
The European authorities complain that the new policy doesn't allow users to figure out which information is kept, how it is combined by Google services or how long the company retains it.
One dramatically charismatic, competent figure doesn't change that.
But here as always, Ms. Herzog uses her well-tuned ear for dialogue to reveal the personalities of her characters, and it doesn't take long to figure out that for all their glib chitter-chatter, Abby and Zack (even their names are right) are pitifully unequal to the harsh challenges of adulthood.
Google may only hire geniuses, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that Google is just too big to make its newest employees as rich as their peers.
President Obama, I'm not an environmentalist and I'm not a scientist, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that something is wrong in the environment if it's October, and the weather is as it is. (Laughter.) I recently -- I'm a Louisiana native, and I recently moved back home from California, where there, it was a big push for going green and environmental policies.
It doesn't take a conditioning guru to figure out that some downtime can only do an athlete good.
WSJ: Gabriele Marcotti: European Soccer's Christmas Vacation
Ferguson says it doesn't take a Project Grey Goose to figure out that the proliferation of autorun viruses probably wasn't the result of a targeted attack.
That figure has remained fairly constant since NICE was established and doesn't adjust for either overall or medical inflation.
But what Carmela Soprano doesn't know is that matriculation at any such high-class institution does not figure to do anything special for her daughter's career prospects.
Let's behave as if the same culture of reverence doesn't exist elsewhere, to insist that the billions being paid for broadcast rights and the seven-figure salaries bestowed upon college coaches couldn't possibly contribute to other reality distortion fields and scandals.
"It doesn't take them long to figure out, 'Hey, Uncle Charlie croaked after eating that, '" Mr. Lamb said.