So I use this example everywhere I go because we all know people in our lives who might be thinking that their vote doesn't matter, that their involvement doesn't make any difference.
Miho Fukumoto, Japan's goalkeeper, said the team is well aware they can't win foot races or wrestling matches against the U.S., but that doesn't matter.
You can say, well, we're going to fine them or whatever, that doesn't matter.
It'll be another 58 hours before any Packer players show up, but that doesn't matter.
We might have scored in the last seconds of the match, but for me that doesn't matter.
And though that doesn't matter so much in Mr. Gobbi's case, the intervening years were hard on Ms. Callas.
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As for Emory's burial plans, there's actually no room for him at Punchbowl, but he says that doesn't matter.
NSIAH-BUADI: I often have to remind myself that it doesn't matter that people may not understand where I am coming from half of the time.
We tried hard, but that doesn't matter because we failed you.
But in the lingua franca of today's social-media industry that doesn't matter as much as user engagement and the ability to access those users' personal data.
The atmosphere, the fans, the other team, that doesn't matter.
Anybody who knows the score, though, realizes that doesn't matter.
Meng said that it doesn't matter that Apple isn't at CES with a booth or keynote, because CES is already the most successful and popular show for companies like his.
The sun always comes out another day, and I don't think kids are told that it doesn't matter as long as they do their best.
Affleck also didn't do himself any favors by trying to dismiss the criticism with a glib remark that essentially said that it really doesn't matter that the actor playing Mendez isn't Latino since Mendez himself isn't, shall we say, overtly Latino.
"I thought that was incredibly comforting and uplifting, because it made you feel that it doesn't matter how long a life is, the thing is that you live it beautifully and it's full, " he said.
"It tells me that it doesn't matter how devastated your society is, " said Mr. Weiner.
WSJ: Dan Neil on an Auction of Microcars Owned by Bruce Weiner
And we do a very good job of pretending that it doesn't matter.
Whether it happened exactly like that doesn't really matter.
Several powerful members of Congress have expressed a different view: that it doesn't matter satellite TV competes with cable TV or other media, a monopoly in satellite TV is to be avoided.
"What Dr. King and Roy Wilkins understood is that it doesn't matter if you have the right to sit at the front of the bus if you can't afford the bus fare, " he said.
Well, Sonia, what you've shown in your life is that it doesn't matter where you come from, what you look like or what challenges life throws your way, no dream is beyond reach in the United States of America.
And yet, what we learned was that when ordinary people come together -- (applause) -- when you believe in something so deeply that you're willing to talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors and talk to your co-workers, knock on doors and make phone calls -- when the American people decide what's right, then all that money doesn't matter.
That nit probably doesn't matter because, in both cases, I selected the Sampo AlphaScan from the list and continued.
Here the news is that it ultimately doesn't matter whether you go to an elite university or a lower-tier outfit.