He said that for the time being that would be very difficult, but that he would always be with us.
"It's used as a fig leaf, and we decided that for the time being, we're better off without it, " Mekel says.
It is that whole notion, the fact that for the time being, for the foreseeable future, the new threat isn't from necessarily traditional enemies.
Tony Martin has now been told by the police that for the time being he can continue to serve alcohol until 1am on disco nights.
He argues that for the time being, we can probably afford to subsidize those who are dropping out through programs like food stamps and disability payments.
WALHI, an environmental group, concede that for the time being at least, the campaign must be working, since businesses are complaining of a shortage of timber.
And with 1.3 billion Chinese people, whose average incomes have quadrupled in the last four years, it's small wonder that for the time being, Hanting is concentrating on the local market.
The bottom line is that for the time being, from a regulatory perspective each biosimilar version of an approved biological product will be regarded as, in effect, a completely new and distinct drug.
FORBES: Do You Think 'Biosimilars' Will Reduce Healthcare Expenditures? Think again.
However, many view the language as a "work in progress" when it comes to mobile and believe that for the time being native apps - those coded for a specific platform - offer advantages.
BBC: First Firefox phones revealed by Mozilla and Geeksphone
The disgraced money manager Bernard Madoff has been allowed to remain out on bail, but today a judge decided that for the time being Madoff will have to stay in his Manhattan apartment and wear a monitoring bracelet.
"We've held a substantial long position in the Mexican peso since the beginning of the year, which has done very well, and we're going to keep that for the time being simply on fundamentals and attractive valuations, " said Dagmar Dvorak, an investment manager of fixed income and currencies at Baring Asset Management in London.
The patent wars roll on, with Apple winning another battle today in the German courts, ensuring that Samsung's Galaxy Tab will stay off the shelves in that country for the time being.
TradeTheNews.com also cited Fitch Ratings as saying that the ECB would hold rates for the time being and that the United States Federal Reserve was unlikely to raise rates until early 2009.
Now it is clear that, for the time being, talks on farm trade are going nowhere.
Not surprisingly, Juan Miguel has made it clear that, for the time being, he wants nothing to do with the Miami relatives, whom he accuses of betraying his trust (when Elian was rescued at sea last November, it was he who telephoned them to ask them to look after his child).
To recap: it was over eight months ago that the company unveiled it at CES only to tell us a few months later that it was being shelved for the time being.
ENGADGET: Lenovo LePad to ship in December, IdeaPad U1 Hybrid dock slated for January 2011
Mr. RASHID: Well, what we know is that at least for the time being, I think the Americans have agreed not to use drones until they see the shape of this agreement.
Samsung was the leader in the smartphone market in in the first quarter of 2013, according to research firm IDC, and it looks like its latest offering will help it hang on to that top spot for the time being.
CNN: Samsung Galaxy S4 named top smartphone by Consumer Reports
They conclude that the AAA is probably safe for the time being, though there are reasons to be concerned over the medium term.
Many within his camp want him to quit now, to break the association with Mr Chirac, though Mr Sarkozy has said that he will stay for the time being.
It is the only one, for the time being, that has the potential to be implemented in high-volume devices such as Blu-ray players and, ultimately, televisions themselves.
The European Union sovereign debt crisis has been moved to the back burner of the market place recently, amid a stabilization of that situation, at least for the time being.
Yet the great breakthrough of the register is that, for the first time, departments are being given an incentive to dispose of surplus assets.
Even if that response failed to provide Mr Milosevic with the desired result, he would almost certainly not step down for the time being - on the grounds that his current term does not run out until next summer.
Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said on Monday that France was, for the time being, keeping its distance from the conflict.
CEOs may be turning more introspective now that the world has escaped, at least for the time being, another financial meltdown.
Sadly, it seems that the bots are all remotely-controlled for the time being, and not fully autonomous, but we're sure it's only a matter of time before they really get to show what they're capable of.
Until the global economy looks more balanced, and that depends on Brussels and Washington for the time being, the fundamentals of Brazil real estate will seem to be built on straw when they have probably never been so good.
The works belong to a private collection that is being shown for the first time to the public, according to a Kunsthal statement.