No one has counted but so many tell stories that it must be thousands and thousands.
Millennium did launch medicines that it got from acquisitions funded by its lucrative deals.
He likes that it lets him search for places depending on mood and budget.
It has an enormous demographic database that it collected when it had a monopoly on mortgages.
So serious was her crime that it required 14 policemen in two vans to arrest her.
What is interesting is that it no longer reflects the simplistic divide between doubters and believers.
Anglesey council said it supported the recommendations and that it was already making good progress.
But Linde feared that it would face antitrust problems and bought Aga of Sweden instead.
An agency spokesman said the investigation is ongoing and that it hasn't verified the larger number.
What do you - do you buy that it's the calendar, not necessarily the candidates, Faye?
"I'm really relieved that it is over more than anything, " said the new world title holder.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Mid Wales | Bog snorkel bikers battle it out
The good news is that it found that some business travel might be good for you.
What's really remarkable about this epic, though, is that it's headed by a little girl.
And I can tell you that it's taken an emotional toll on the people here.
The advantage of this approach is that it retains the basic fibre-plus-matrix structure of the material.
Iran confirmed in mid-May that it was detaining Esfandiari and charged her later that month.
It said that it would bring new regulations forward straight away, allowing these schemes to continue.
BBC: Back-to-work scheme breached laws, says Court of Appeal
Now the Department of Agriculture has grudgingly announced that it will allow irradiation of red meat.
The fact that it takes two people nowadays to make a living, changes all gender roles.
Aubel recalled that it was firmly decided that Welsh would be the language of the household.
Part of Unep's problem is that it is not a UN organisation, but a programme.
The SEC contends that it has been monitoring the situation, as have state securities administrators.
And he stressed that it was also a problem for society as a whole.
Often the prey is not aware that it is about to lose its life.
One kicked him so hard with its hind legs that it split his hand open.
Now that it has one, it is doing everything possible to cook it right.
All that it takes to have an insoluble conflict of interest is two people.
But following legal arguments it was decided that it should go ahead without him.
But no, your money is not safe in the sense that it's insured by the government.
But of course, there is a third possibility, that it doesn't get rich at all.