What is certain, however, is that it is good for both merchants and consumers.
By helping to rehabilitate vertigo sufferers, it will have shown that it is good for something other than playing games.
The second conclusion is that it is good to work at Omnicom.
"After saving the crown on the British pint, I am happy the Conservatives have persuaded the Commission that it is good not only for international business but for the British people that traditional measurements are kept, " he said.
He is using the phrase "firing people" as a folksy way of saying that it is good to be able to choose between companies, and dispense with the services of one if it is not doing a good job.
They argue that it is good for the whole of the American economy because when we increase the pay of some 28 million Americans, we put more money into the pockets of these workers who will spend that money in the U.S. economy.
FORBES: The Minimum Wage Fight-Ground Zero In The Clash Of Conservative vs. Progressive America
You know, until lawmakers and policy makers and corporations acknowledge that it is not good economic policy as well as social policy to pay wages that force workers to turn to public assistance to support themselves, which means that that impacts taxpayers and it is not good economic policy as well as social policy...
That is why it is a good thing that the meeting is under the spotlight.
But age is a two edged thing: it means that it is also so good, and adaptable, that it is not worth giving up.
FORBES: Behind Epic Systems, A Low-Key Health IT Company Called InterSystems
It is good that the U.S. no longer supports coups and it is good that the U.S. no longer seeks to support them in the future.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Time to reject dictatorship in Latin America
And yet it was productive for the reason that I think I mentioned before and that the conference chairman mentioned, which is that it is always good in Washington, in this day and age, when Republicans and Democrats sit down and listen to each other in a constructive environment, a non-confrontational environment.
In short, Vietnam is giving a few hints that it knows what is good for it.
"It is how it used to happen and it is a good thing that it is happening again".
And, sadly, even those who accept this fundamental uncertainty often fail to see that it is a good thing.
Are you sure that it is a good idea to confound commercial banking, investment banking, insurance and stock brokerage?
Waitrose may be meeting its legal requirement, but Mike Bailey from Oxfam says that it is not good enough.
Calling for growth is like advocating world peace: everybody agrees that it is a good thing, but nobody agrees how to do it.
"NMS has its reasons for closing the museum but I do not think that it is a good decision for Dumfries and Galloway, " she said.
So you can know that it is a good company the same way I can, without having to guess whether all its claims are just marketing.
If you want to make a big bold bet on new tech, you need to have the ability to convince others that it is a good idea.
In India and China, the percentages of citizens who think that it is a good time to find a job is 40% and 36%, respectively.
What I will say is that it is unacceptable, it is not good for the economy and therefore a very bad idea to set up a scenario where we do this constantly every two weeks.
The falling prices mean that it is a good time to buy, but with banks now acting as both lenders and estate agents, there are very few mortgages being given to Spanish citizens or foreign buyers.
The contract suspension could last up to a year, and in order to get the ban lifted, BP will have to prove to the government that it is a good corporate citizen and has cleaned up its act.
FORBES: BP's Federal Contract Ban Will Hurt U.S. Taxpayers, Not Just BP
And increasingly, businesses are making the judgment that the over -- and these are clear-eyed, bottom-line-minded businessmen and businesswomen who are making the judgment that it is a good time to locate those factories and jobs here in the United States.
Meantime, the International Shareholder Services says that such thinking is a business imperative: Two-thirds of the companies that it surveyed said that good governance is the right thing to do and that such standards also give enterprises a leg up.
If recent reform efforts have taught us anything it is that good will is a rare commodity.
FORBES: NCEE Report Focuses on Teachers as Professionals, New Pay Schemes
That is, while it is good for one person to save, when everyone does it, it decreases consumer spending.