• The United States Supreme Court ruled that such a requirement by a state was unconstitutional as the regulation of interstate commerce was a power reserved to Congress.

    FORBES: Taxes and California's War Against Business

  • Such a filing waives a Texas requirement that defendants post a bond to cover the damages awarded to the plaintiff.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • LA's schools is that they have been unable to raise money through bond issues because of the requirement that such proposals get a two-thirds majority in a referendum.

    ECONOMIST: Troubled cities 1

  • Current restrictions on claiming the home office deduction, such as the requirement that a home office be used regularly and exclusively for business and the limit on the amount of the deduction tied to income derived from the particular business, still apply under the new option.

    WHITEHOUSE: The Home Office Tax Deduction: Simplifying Rules And Helping Small Business Owners Succeed | The White House

  • She said there was a requirement in law that such assessments were carried out in primary schools and a trial of the computer-based assessments had shown no major faults.

    BBC: Education Committee

  • What this says is that the State of Wisconsin can sell or contract out management of state-owned heating, cooling and power plants without the requirement that bids for such a sale or leasing be solicited so as to maximize what the government can pocket through such an arrangement.

    FORBES: A Secret Deal Between Gov. Walker And Koch Brothers Buried In State Budget?

  • Misreporting becomes a bona fide issue only when the different set of numbers filed in China was filed before an agency whose mandate warrants a requirement that numbers be accurate (such as the State Administration of Taxation) and that the differences be unexplainable by differing U.S. and Chinese accounting rules.

    FORBES: Reverse Takeovers: The Poor Man's IPO Deserves Some Respect

  • Microsoft is appealing against that decision, and on September 30th it will argue for a suspension of the commission's remedies, such as the requirement that it license its code to rivals.

    ECONOMIST: Microsoft

  • And no court and no prosecutor would accept the notion that such statements standing alone satisfy the requirement of substantial corroborative proof when there is a swearing bash.


  • Such a requirement "has the potential to overload the health care system that will likely be stressed during this year's flu season, " he said.

    CNN: Obama administration urges employer flexibility in H1N1 fight

  • Some checks were introduced, such as the requirement that the president receive "approval from parliament" before declaring a state of emergency in an area.

    CNN: Walking on a Tightrope

  • America's Health Insurance Plans, their chief lobbying group, now says it is willing to accept such heavy-handed reforms if they are accompanied by a requirement that all Americans purchase coverage.

    ECONOMIST: Reforming American health care

  • It features a simple interface and the physical key requirement provides an additional layer of security that avoids using a vendor's redirection service such as those offered by Cloud Engines for PogoPlug or Axentra for Netgear's Stora.

    ENGADGET: Switched On: MyDitto NAS has some key issues

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