One thing that won't change for the Orange: Jim Boeheim will be directing things from the bench.
While much of that won't change, Whitman must reach out to her constituents.
"My philosophy is that the digital revolution will make mankind happier and more productive, and that won't change over the next 300 years, " Son says.
On her party's suggestion that land should be leased and not acquired--as that won't change the ownership--the government has agreed to let individual states to decide, Ms. Swaraj said.
That won't change the ideas of a Osama bin Laden who are very ideologically fixed on trying to strike at the West, but it will change the pool of young people who they can recruit from.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds Town Hall with Chinese Youth
Mr. Greenblatt said that the budget reboot won't change the quality of the late-night production.
WSJ: Jay Leno's Pay Was Cut 50% in 'Tonight Show' Budget Cuts
But if she can find student dancers as impressive as these Atlantans, my hunch is that Ms. Tharp won't change a step of the children's material.
"The NHS board, in common with the rest of Scotland, has a policy of guaranteed no redundancy and no detriment so that organisational change won't affect staff pay and conditions, " he said.
He focused on two recent incidents: Top NASA climate expert James Hansen was told not to talk to the media about his findings that voluntary measures proposed to deal with climate change won't be sufficient, and that the problem is getting worse.
But that assumes doctors and hospitals won't change their behavior when the incentives change.
WSJ: Joseph Rago: The Forgotten History of Ryan's Medicare Reform
But the administration said on Thursday that the new revelation won't immediately change its stance on intervention.
Victims' groups are pressing the International Criminal Court to prosecute Benedict in the sex abuse scandal and say the resignation won't change that, according to Pam Spees, of the public policy law firm Center for Constitutional Rights, which is helping SNAP pursue the case.
While everyone's story is unique, the one consistent fact is that we need to change the system now so that our children won't be forced to deal with the same problems.
"Some people in the DPJ have been suggesting that the U.S.-Japanese relationship won't change at all, and then you've got Hatoyama writing that op-ed, " Szechenyi says.
At least two sheriffs in Arizona said that the law won't result in great change for their departments.
They also agree that there probably won't be any major change until insurers take climate change into account and refuse to insure high-risk areas.
If we don't change that we obviously won't make the playoffs.
He predicts it won't be the companies that create the change.
CNN: Rocking or reeling? Record labels adapt to a world of online music
He said Facebook is likely banking on the notion that many users won't bother to reverse the change to their displayed email, thereby leaving a Facebook address in place.
The fact that guests are reading iPads instead of paper won't change this.
The one thing this won't change is the fact that the content creators already sold the rights to these shows on the TV, which of course means Hulu won't be able to stop going out of its way to block things like Boxee and the PS3 -- still kind of shocked that PlayOn isn't affected.
ENGADGET: Hulu's subscription service might run $5 for access to select shows
But it won't take long for the nature of that comparison to change.
Barring another change to the schedule, that probably won't happen anytime soon.
"You won't change a thing in the world by doing that, " he said.
And passing legislation to change that law in Japan's current divided Parliament won't be easy.
He has learned that electing one agent of change, no matter how powerful, just won't cut it.