Their case related to the abduction of an Egyptian cleric in Milan in 2003.
Video showed Summers crossing the border into Tecate, Mexico, three days after the abduction.
The abduction report triggered an Amber Alert for the children, but there were no reported sightings.
CNN: Search for U.S. couple, their missing sons focuses on Cuba
Thank heavens someone saw the abduction and eventually a member of staff intervened and rescued me.
El Salvador had denounced the abduction of up to 50 Central American migrants in southern Mexico.
Her mother, Karen, was jailed for eight years for her part in the abduction.
The televised video "purports to show still photographs of Hezbollah fighters during the abduction, " the report said.
Instructions came to take the ransom on a night train to Mumbai five days after the abduction.
Ali Babitu Kololo denied the abduction of 56-year-old Judith Tebbutt, and a charge of robbery with violence.
Four days after the abduction, LAPD detectives were told that Summers may be in the San Diego area.
The U.N. says "there's no way to tell" if these vehicles were used in the abduction or not.
Saeed has also been charged with involvement in the abduction of an American tourist in India in 1994.
Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi told parliament on Wednesday that the abduction issue would be a top priority.
Syrian state media also reported the abduction and said it is under investigation.
The abduction took place Thursday in Hodeida on the Red Sea coast of the impoverished and restive Arab nation.
He denied that the ELN itself had been involved in the abduction of three people in eastern Antioquia Department.
These include the abduction of the wife of a marine, who was freed unharmed two days after she was seized, he added.
Mr Reinhart admits that Mr Leonard was not covered, as his firm stopped paying its premiums before the abduction.
The abduction gripped Anchorage as investigators held out hope that she remained alive.
The man who planned the abduction had an insider's view: He worked at a storefront across from the Gupta home.
And another book on the list, Alice Seabold's The Lovely Bones, is about the abduction and murder of a teenager.
Further confusing matters, a Pakistani named Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh had already been convicted of the abduction and murder, in 2002.
The U.N. says the videotape does not shed any light on the circumstances of the abduction or the condition of the abductees.
Pettway, now 50, told authorities she took the baby because she had suffered two stillborn births, one just months before the abduction.
Keyes, 34, was set for a March trial in federal court in the abduction and killing of 18-year-old Anchorage barista Samantha Koenig.
The President of the Philippines Benigno Aquino has signed a new human rights law on the abduction of individuals by state officials.
They and the family dog, Nati, are with their grandparents until child welfare officials can again review the case in light of the abduction.
In the 2009 trial, the Italian court sentenced 22 of the Americans to five years in prison each for their role in the abduction.
Assaults on two priests and the abduction of a woman before her wedding day are just two of the tales contained in the medieval parchment folios.
BBC: Medieval Reading Abbey manuscript goes on public display
The last time a soldier was seized in similar circumstances was in 1994, with the abduction of Nachshon Wachsman, who died during a failed rescue attempt.