This sort of gain in productivity ultimately translates into increased economic activity, theabilitytopay down debt and a higher standard of living for those of us who are employed.
The president argued in his letter that the Republican plan carries costs that will rise exponentially, risking the extended solvency of the Medicare and Social Security plans, and the country's abilitytopay down the national debt, among other fiscal priorities.
Also positive: Yield spreads decreased in December and January, meaning that investors have more faith in theability of U.S. companies topay back debt.
Whether you are a member of this group or have debt remaining from other expenses, theabilitytopay down what you owe without worrying about interest could certainly make the holidays less stressful.
And uncertainty around Greece and their abilitytopay their debts runs on -- in the capital markets -- on thedebt that many of these southern European countries have been facing, as well as Ireland and Portugal.