Its core industry, financial services, grew because of the accumulation of capital and trade flows.
They promote the accumulation of capital, fair competition between nations and better tax law elsewhere in the world.
We remain an amazingly prosperous society thanks to the accumulation of capital bequeathed to us by our more prudent forbearers.
Our estimate of the benefits of lower capital taxes is conservative, as we consider only the impact of lower capital taxes on the accumulation of physical capital.
WSJ: Thomas F. Cooley and Lee E. Ohanian: The Bush Tax Cuts Never Went Far Enough
Economic expansion and development is the happy consequence of people participating in an extensive market division labor made possible by the accumulation of capital that is wisely invested and directed by entrepreneurs.
Mr Gove argued that it was poorer families that had the most to gain as "the accumulation of cultural capital - the acquisition of knowledge - is the key to social mobility".
Tax laws, specifically those which encourage leverage while discouraging the accumulation of equity capital on balance-sheets, are perhaps the greatest deterrent to its effective operation.
Savings can also be recycled as student loans, which allow for the accumulation of human capital by increasing the supply of doctors, engineers and skilled workers of all kinds.
WSJ: Hal Varian: Boost Private Investment to Boost the Economy
It is likely that lower taxes would also stimulate increases in research and development and other inventive activities, increase entrepreneurship, increase the accumulation of human capital, lead to more immigration of high-skilled workers, and encourage foreign firms to locate in the United States.
WSJ: Thomas F. Cooley and Lee E. Ohanian: The Bush Tax Cuts Never Went Far Enough
The inflation that results from an expanding money supply distorts all economic activity and discourages the accumulation of future investment capital.
FORBES: Spending Is Choking Us And Tax Cuts Are No Heimlich Maneuver
We say that the modern world got rich by (at a minimum) 1500% percent compared with 1800 not, as the sadly mistaken Accumulators say, because of capital accumulation, or exploitation of the third world, or the expansion of foreign trade.
Only the former affects overall capital accumulation, but both are indicative of the costs of estate taxes.
The expansionary monetary policies pursued by Japan as well as the U.S. and European nations have thus far not been accompanied by fiscal reforms required to halt deficits and the accumulation of debt, or the fundamental structural reforms required in labor and capital markets to restore long term economic growth.
However, this explains only 14.2% of the difference in capital accumulation between the two years.
FORBES: U.S. Unemployment: Our Long Economic Nightmare Continues
They are much less good at capturing the continuing gains that result from a faster accumulation of capital, or a quickened pace of productivity growth.
At the same time emerging economies' behaviour, particularly the accumulation of massive foreign-exchange reserves, has distorted capital markets by artificially pushing down long-term interest rates.
Human capital is an economic force that drives the accumulation of national wealth.
Inheritance tax is undoubtedly unpopular but it deters saving less than most other taxes on capital accumulation, as Alan Auerbach, an economist at the University of California, Berkeley, pointed out in a recent lecture in London.
Banking scholars also argue that Islamic law blocked indigenous financial modernization in Muslim countries because of an inheritance system that restrained capital accumulation, inhibitions on pooling resources that discouraged investment diversification, and a traditional aversion to the concept of legal personhood for corporations, which hampered the development of financial entities.