Plaid Cymru responded robustly to the Conservative' claims, accusing the opposition party of making "cheap points" and calling for it to show "consistency" and "commitment" to developing the north west Wales economy.
Last year, the former television commentator and former aide to presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan split with Republicans after accusing the party of abandoning social conservatives.
One of their leading figures, Antonio Di Pietro, the star magistrate whose exposure of corruption helped destroy the old political establishment after 1992, left the party in a huff, accusing Mr Amato of having been too close to a former Socialist prime minister, the late Bettino Craxi, a symbol of the rotten old guard.
They have continued - with the latest story telling of open hostility at the party conference in Bournemouth with Dr Reid accusing Mr Dewar of "betrayal" over his call for a public inquiry into his son Kevin's involvement in the lobbygate affair.
"Before the election the Conservative opposition was strongly in favour of the steps taken by the then government to implement the ECHR ruling and Liberal Democrat party were equally strongly against our approach, accusing the then Government of dragging its feet, " he said.
In a speech at the Conservative party annual conference in October, Michael Gove attacked the industrial action, accusing union leaders of "letting their ideology hold back our children".
Tony Blair has rejected criticism of Labour's Euro election campaign, accusing the Tories of becoming a single-issue party.
Mr Lopez Obrador rejected the result, accusing Mr Pena Nieto's Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, of buying votes and favourable media coverage.
Scottish Green party MSP Patrick Harvie used the debate to criciticse the extension accusing the infrastructure and capital investment secretary of a "transgression" in opening it.
Both Monster and Herrera are also accusing the other of trying to make their cases through the media, with each party noting that it learned of the other's lawsuit through reporters.
The People's Action Party government has long decried such press-freedom rankings, accusing its critics of being highhanded and overlooking changes in Singapore in recent years that have encouraged public debate, including the emergence of a thriving blog culture.
Gianfranco Fini -- a former party ally -- lashed out, accusing him of a lack of attention to the economy and structural reforms that Italy needs.
They circulated a statement to reporters who are traveling with the president, accusing Congressman Murtha of supporting the policies of filmmaker Michael Moore and being part of the extreme wing of the Democratic Party.