• The next step is to hop on a TeleferiQo cable car and ride up the slopes of Mt Pichincha, the active volcano that overlooks Quito.

    BBC: Scaling the Ecuadorean Andes

  • Lying in the shadow of the active volcano Mt Tarawera, Rotorua Lakes is an unrivalled natural landscape where water is clean enough to drink, sweet-smelling air comes alive with native birdsong and fern-filled forests are as bright as a bottle of absinthe.

    BBC: Lakeside treks in a geothermal land

  • Mt Cotopaxi is the highest active volcano in Ecuador and one of the highest in the world.

    BBC: Scaling the Ecuadorean Andes

  • We pass a white wall of mountains off to the left and, on the right, an active volcano with steam curling out of the vent.

    NPR: Penguins Helped and Hurt by Changing Climate

  • Officials issue a red alert for the increasingly active Copahue volcano bordering Chile and Argentina and order about 3, 000 people to evacuate.

    NPR: 10 Things To Know For Tuesday

  • The island has an active volcano, Mount Pelee, which erupted in 1902, razing the town of Saint-Pierre and killing its 30, 000 residents.

    BBC: Martinique profile

  • "On the east coast, you can find the still-active Arenal volcano where you can zip line next to it through the jungle canopy as it puffs gaseous steam and molten lava, " Amerson said.

    CNN: Costa Rica's oasis

  • As we head back out into the paddy fields, he lights a clove-scented cigarette and points to the shadowy, still-active volcano that shares its name with him - Gunung Agung, the tallest, most sacred mountain on Bali, from which rivers are said to flow and the volcanic soil gains its rich fertility.

    BBC: High spirits in Bali

  • The magnificently situated Rancho las Hamacas in San Jacinto, northwest Nicaragua, overlooks the natural bubbling mud pools of Hervideros de San Jacinto, where you can camp for the night before climbing the smoking Volcano Telica, one of the country's 12 fumingly active Maribios volcanoes.

    BBC: Camping through Mexico and Central America

  • Such data provides the high resolution details from which we can see how the Earth's structures have formed, measures the exact size and shape of the volcano and provides a vital snapshot of the Earth's active and sometimes violent volcanic system in action.

    BBC: Inside the hottest place on Earth

  • The 2, 869-meter-tall volcano, which last erupted in May, is one of the most active in Kamchatka, the agency said.

    BBC: Volcano erupts in Russian Far East

  • Mount Rainier is also an active volcano - although there has been no activity since the 1850s and geologists say there is no imminent threat of eruption.

    BBC: Seattle side trips in every direction

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